5053 threads
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Object tracking With parallax servo controller
Hi there i hope people will be able to help me, i am using roborealm with a usb camera to track peopls hands/heads as they cross...
15 year 2 4186
Pan tilt svs
Hello i have a problem with my SVS surveyor robot, i can't find a way to control pan-tilt.I assemblied the SVS su...
15 year 6 4185
Roborealm now crashes as soon as I try to load up the Rovio Control. This could be caused by some s...
14 year 14 4174
how to calculate distance between objects
well my problem is , there r 3 balls of diff colors which are to be put into there respective holes.......so is der any...
17 year 13 4173
Zooming down the viewed image while saving the full image.
Can anyone tell me how I could scale down my displayed image size while saving the full resolution of the image to disk. I am su...
15 year 4 4164
Image Repair by Inpainting
Steven, Any plans to add an inpainting module to RoboRealm? Looking to repair images using inpainti...
14 year 5 4164
Hello, I have several questions about Roborealm and Serial Communication.The microcontroller I'm using is Atmega8
13 year 4 4155
VBScript Byte Variable
The code won't run if I put Dim name As Byte to declare a var...
17 year 3 4154
Virtual Camera
Steve, How hard would it be to improve the Virtual Camera so that it can pipe the image to multiple...
16 year 8 4151
defect detection
hi  i want to know how to find defects in component using robo realm?   that say if i have a watch without a...
16 year 2 4149
Trendnet Camera and KWorld Video Capture
I have a Trendnet camera http://www.trendnet.co...
17 year 9 4149
MP4 media support
STeven, Do you have plans to include mp4 or 3gp video support with the read media module? I would l...
13 year 7 4142
Button Interface
I was wondering if it is possible to use the button interface while the camera is set to full screen mode.  I have ver...
15 year 4 4139
Python 32 bit DLL on Win 7 ia64
Got the missing "phython30" (sic) dll error message, but cannot resolve by installing 32-bit python, not even with python 3.0...
12 year 5 4132
Point Cloud Analysis
Hi STeven, I'm playing around with a home made laser scanner with RoboRealm anaysis. It se...
17 year 9 4130
Cropping using variables
I think there maybe a problem when cropping an image using variables generated from point location(etc). If these...
16 year 11 4123
RR suitability
I've read through the tutorials, documentation, and some of the forum.  My interest is machine vision for RC aircraft...
15 year 5 4123
RCX brick
I have just purchased several robotics invention systems, which are RCX 1.0 which I have just found out is about 10 years old.&n...
15 year 2 4121
I remembered I have a lego spybotics set lying in my basement and was wondering if it is possible to control it with Rob...
18 year 6 4120
about using the roboard
it has 1ghz processor and 256mg of ram and you said roborealm needs 2ghz 64mb ram min Memory - 64Meg...
14 year 5 4120

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