mbahr from United States  [23 posts]
14 year
Roborealm now crashes as soon as I try to load up the Rovio Control.

This could be caused by some sort of driver conflict, but it was not occurring the other night.

Running Windows Vista Ultimate w/ SP2.  32 bit.

Is there a debug setting that can be turned?

mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
oh...  the "problem details" reported by Vista are:

Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    RoboRealm.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    4c853890
  Fault Module Name:    RoboRealm.exe
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:    4c853890
  Exception Code:    c0000005
  Exception Offset:    0032901a
  OS Version:    6.0.6002.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    5d39
  Additional Information 2:    1bde2bd5de5a73f8ec0f6da5dea19f9b
  Additional Information 3:    0916
  Additional Information 4:    7fbe7170cc10a1e595bce8c34cc75b95
Anonymous 14 year

You could try to start RR while holding down the CTRL key ... this starts RoboRealm in the default mode without loading in any modules. Then add back in the Rovio module and see if you can replicate the same error.

If so, send/post the robofile that we can take a closer look.

There is a debug mode - Options button->Other tab->Verbose RoboRealm.log checkbox which will create a c:\roborealm.log file that may contain some useful information ... but perhaps not if the error is inside the module.

Most likely there is a network error that is just timing out and it takes a while to do so. One check would be to run RR and leave it for about 5 min to see if anything recovers.

mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
Good ideas.

I can use the ctrl method to load it up, and than add in the rovio module.  When I try to connect to the rovio it crashes.

The crash is reported here:  Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    RoboRealm.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    4c853890
  Fault Module Name:    RoboRealm.exe
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:    4c853890
  Exception Code:    c0000005
  Exception Offset:    0032901a
  OS Version:    6.0.6002.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    3fae
  Additional Information 2:    54ad68a6cbc2a3f081c984864dce2316
  Additional Information 3:    861b
  Additional Information 4:    ff669d21d6802ff9b3bf905f15662ba3

And the log file reports nothing useful, excpet for the following snippet:

Thu Sep 16 20:08:08 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:08 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:08 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio
Thu Sep 16 20:08:09 Running WowWee_Rovio

I've already tried to uninstall and reinstall to no avail.

Any other suggestion?

mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
I just uninstalled all robot related stuff and reinstalled Rovio followed by Roborealm.  The problem persists.

I see that there has been some system updates, including silverlight, that have been installed.  Would those matter?

mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
I just installed on a different machine.

Same problem.

I removed the user authentication to see if that would matter.  It doesn't.

I can't imagine what it is, as this was working fine for awhile.

My trail period will expire soon and I haven't had a chance to really test this.  Any suggestions for how to diagnose the problem?????

Anonymous 14 year

Can you attach your current robofile? The Rovio module itself seems to be ok so something may be going wrong elsewhere.

mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
These are occurring in empty setups... the only entry is the Rovio module.

It's got me puzzled.
mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
Oh, I should further explain the environment.  This is a windows Vista workstation on my LAN.  The LAN uses Windows Server 2008 R2.  The wireless connection is via a linksys node sitting on the LAN.  The Rovio is assigned it's IP via Windows Server.  

I can run the Rovio just fine by using it's onboard webserver.  

mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
STeven... any ideas?
mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
I just realized I use AVG.  It has a link scanner built in.  I turned it all off and, at first blush, I seem to be able to work w/out crashing.

Could the link scanner get in the way of roborealm talking to the rovio?


Anonymous 14 year

That a possibility. The link scanner may be monitoring port http communications and doesn't recognize RoboRealm as a valid sender of those commands. Most likely that is what is causing it as perhaps it auto-updated one day and suddenly caused this error to happen.

Does it still work? Perhaps try turning it back on and see the results.

We can't seem to replicate the issue and have not heard anyone else having that issue (that doesn't mean there isn't anything wrong with the module) so it must be something specific to your configuration.

mbahr from United States  [23 posts] 14 year
Thanks for the reply, STeven.

I killed all of the killable processes and I thought I had it licked but it bombed again.  I did catch site of one odd message from roborealm stating something like "I had thought I was going to receive image data but instead got something else" and that caused me to consider a problem with the robot itself.  

So I rebooted the Rovio.  Roborealm found it right away and it's working again.

So...  I've got more trouble shooting to do but for the time being, since Roborealm is working, I'm gonna work on my control pipeline!

Anonymous 14 year

You probably want to upgrade the Rovio firmware as stated in the documentation page. It sounds like similar problems others were having until they updated.

See 2nd paragraph.



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