OSC communication
16 year

I would like to send RR variables to other softwares like vvvv, eyesweb, or even Flash... I managed to make Flash and RR communicate via sockets and api server but communication is really slow...

Do you know if there is a way to make RR communicate via osc (open sound control) protocol or anything else ??

Thank you in advance
Anonymous 16 year
We are very familiar with OSC and would like to first understand the issues with the socket communication before endeavoring the solve the issue with an new protocol as the problem might not be solved by that format. We would like to know why the socket communication is slow. Are you running this over a slow network? How much data are you communicating over this channel? Do you think RoboRealm is just responding slowly or the receiving program not being able to process the results quick enough?

OSC communication
16 year
First, thanks to take care of my problem...

My aim is to be able to connect RoboRealm with others softwares through osc protocol and especially with flash.

I need to send and receive rr variables in realtime (about 20 fps, then update 20 times per sec the value of my variables).

When I managed to connect Flash socket and RoboRealm Api Server using this command :


I had to send request from Flash and wait to receive variables value and it took about 0.5 to 1 seconde before I can request a new one.

I thought I could use the socket extension provided by RoboRealm to make RR and Flash communicate but I'm not skilled enough in c++...

That's why I wanted to know if there were a way to send RR variables through OSC protocol to be able to use flosc (osc server gateway to flash) or make RR communicate with other image processing software like vvvv or eyesweb or processing.

Could it be helped ?

Many thanks,

chris from Germany  [1 posts] 16 year
OSC implementation would be very interesting. i'm having the same problem in terms of speed but more in terms of handling.

i use vvvv and this package relies on constant data flow. i manage to make a tcp solution but the speed isn't very satisfying ;)

UDP would help also.

Anonymous 16 year
Hi Chris,

RoboRealm could be really usefull if we could make it communicating by osc protocol or any other standard protocol...
Please keep me informed if you find a solution...

Anonymous 16 year
Please note that we just launched the OSC send variable module. Perhaps you can give that new module a try and see if it meets your needs.

Thanks for all the suggestions...
Anonymous 16 year

Thank you so much ! I will give it a try and report to you soon...

chris from Germany  [3 posts] 16 year
hi steven,

first i want to thank you for the implementation BUT ;)
single values seam to work without problems, like BLOB_COUNT. then i tried to send an array and the OSC stream was slightly weird. Sometimes i received some values (switching automatic,string,integer etc.), sometimes not. It doesn't seem to be a problem with the OSC protocol but roborealm not sending anything as the UDP node shows the empty message.

have a look at the picture, i can send you the vvvv patch or the roborealm preset if you like.

oh and one little request, the multicast is nice but it would be even nicer if one could enter the IP adress and therefore decide between multicast or single receiver.

again, thanks for the support
all the best
Anonymous 16 year

Thanks a lot  for what you're doing!

Sending variables in realtime is just what i needed! It will be nice if RoboRealm could recieve them, too (for example, one instance of RoboRealm sends and the other recieves). Thanks!
Anonymous 16 year

You seem to be missing the OSC decode module in the vvvv patch? Reading the variables with straight UPD will work but you still need to decode the OSC string. What you show in the screenshot is correct in that the address is an OSC string and therefore needs to be modulus 4 in length. The last 3 #0's ensure this.

Perhaps you are looking for just a simplistic UPD send of variable values without needed to perform OSC decoding??

Or perhaps your screenshot did not include the full vvvv patch. Can you make it available somewhere that we can download it?

Note that arrays are problematic and we're not how VVVV handles a variable with multiple arguments.

chris from Germany  [3 posts] 16 year
ok, i thougt the image is showing you the problem. single value via OSC worked but an array not. the connected OSC decoder doesn't show anything if the UDP message doesn't contain the values. that's what i was trying to tell you.

/RR/BLOBS#0#0#0, is the full UDP message encoded as OSC but missing all the coordinates of the array...i didn't cut anything from the message....its what vvvv is receiving. where are the values 209 162 187 80 etc. ?

do you get me ?
chris from Germany  [3 posts] 16 year
mmm, i can't reproduce the screen
it works now. strange

sorry for crying before testing it more than twice

thumbs up
Anonymous 16 year
No problem Chris, let us know if it comes up again.

Fox, we added the IP address so you can switch into and out of broadcast mode. Note that for RR to RR variable and image communication we already have the Distributor Client and Server to do that as it handles images much better than OSC would.


Fox  [1 posts] 16 year
I'm sorry, could you, please, make any example of how can i run 2 instances of RR: one would send for example IMAGE_COUNT, another will recieve it (and use in VBScript).
Spigoule from France  [7 posts] 16 year

This new osc module ROCKS !
I'm testing it since few days and it seems to be stable and fast...
Thanks for this new module !

Anonymous 16 year
You're very welcome. Glad its working out ok!


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