5048 threads
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Find Edge - won't find edges
Hello, I can't seem to get FIND EDGE to return any values using the...
16 year 0 2647
Camrer image distort
Hi, Steven         I just got a"Euresys PICLOL Tymo" camera. I can get r...
16 year 0 3202
No Title
how Ican measure distance & angle by roborealm...
16 year 0 3173
PPM files
I'm going by your C# example. I created a project and a form with 2 buttons. The first button does
17 year 0 3666
No Title
Ok, trying image thing again.   [Image1] Robot on hill.  Wheelchair chassis.
16 year 0 3193
Robot Arm
Hi, I am  planning  to  build  a robot arm to gather peaches from the tre...
16 year 0 2592
red tracking paintball turret
I was wondering how would you modify the vbs red tracking orbit camera script to be used with a parallax usb servo controller? <...
16 year 0 3168
No Title
Here is a zip file of the extensions directory. I was building the dll straight into the Roborealm directory, but have p...
17 year 0 3038
Bitmap Blob Filter
Hi, I am having trouble with the bitmap blob filter.  I have three images to help: 1st - t...
16 year 0 2714
No Title
The last image upload gave me an error.  Here is one more try [image1]...
16 year 0 3400
No Title
seems the images didn't get attached?  trying again......
17 year 0 3612
Fire Fighting program
I am entering a fire fighting competition with a course similar to the picture shown below.  The rules are that I have...
16 year 0 2594
Execute program
dear Mr Steven, 1) As u told me i create an exe file in Q-Basic and save it in desktop......and when i dou...
17 year 0 3246
Keyboard control over Lego Mindstorms
ok my goal was to control only one motor of my RCX robot using my keyboard, were when i press my left arrow key it supposed to m...
16 year 0 3958
2 rr crash questions
Hi,Steven, I found several problem, the edition of RR is 1) It works well in my Winxp, bu...
16 year 0 2764
hey, i am doing a project in medical image processing, the images below shows the ECG in tiff format, my aim is to extra...
17 year 0 3110
No Title
how to do parallel port in vbs format controlling any of 8ch and this error...
18 year 0 4536
No Title
I have this robo file to identify the laser pointer X values. Now that i have updated to the newest version of roborealm with th...
16 year 0 3143
RE - center mouse (arcade gun)
hey everyone, i am in need of a bit of help. i have been working on an arcade style FPS gun for computer games. an...
16 year 0 3281
Matching omnidirectional images
Hello, I am trying to determine the relative position of a robot that uses an omnidirectional imagi...
16 year 0 2491

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