5053 threads
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Now AVM is working faster
Now AVM is working appreciably faster after recent algorithm update. It showed real-time action in "Object recognition" mode (...
12 year 117 22469
Boe Bot Serial Communication
Hi Guys, I am running this bs2 code on my Boe Bot and vb script in roborealm. And I am not sure how to use...
16 year 73 43338
Roborealm and hexapod
Hi, I am trying to run this tutorial: ...
13 year 71 6499
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked
Please help. After following your tutorial about remotely controlling my Sphere AF via the internet...
16 year 48 6211
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image
After a lot of trials to install the drivers and 2 system restores (Windows Vista) RoboRealm is now able to find the Kinect devi...
14 year 47 6391
More for EDV
Hi, ED, it is Mel. Hope you don't get tired of helping me. Thanks. I am a person with the disease ADHD and I have a hard time c...
13 year 43 6910
AVM Map dont work
Hello, I've tried just the avm navigator. I realized that the rotary movement is detected correct...
13 year 38 8113
USB Missile Launcher
Is there somone who could make a setup/tutorial on how to use a webcam to control the USB Missile Launcher ( ...
15 year 37 25154
Framerate issues while object tracking
So... I'm running a pan/tilt camera setup with 2 servos controlled by an SSC-32. I'm using RGB_Filter, Mean Filter, CO...
16 year 36 4266
Serial Sequence
In the serial communications console area i am sending the code \\x10\\xff\\xef\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80...
15 year 35 6293
pololu miro-maestro is not discerned
Hi, I bought the licence of the last roborealm version and I have a problem with pololu micro-maestro.
13 year 32 10409
Lego_NXT module
With the new EV3 out, I now have a Lego NXT that can be repurposed.  So I built a Lego robot arm with it.  T...
10 year 32 4058
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A
Hi, I bought this arm from crust crawler+ Cm700 controller.. I attach Logitech c525 HD webcam..
12 year 28 8739
navigation by computer vision
am writing a simple vbscript for navigation of car by computer vision ie. image processing i want to send serial c...
9 year 27 5468
RoboRio Port Info
Hi STeven, Here is information on the ports used by the roboRio, using the HTTP_read with a USB cam...
10 year 26 15878
Multiple object tracking
Is it possibile to use RoboRealm to track two objects (blobs) simultaneously? I see that you can label a blob but cant q...
15 year 26 15181
Strange findings, any suggestions what to look for.
  This may be a little off topic but being I found the problem using RR I thought I'd post it. ...
17 year 26 4694
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate?
I am trying to track a simple pendulum using the AVM navigator module. However, when I use the Learn from motion option, the pen...
12 year 25 6748
Unable To Upload ftp images
Dear RR, I am using RoboRealm Version and having problems upload images using the ftp modu...
16 year 24 4559
Parallax Propeller P8X32 chip serial interface .spin code.
I have a parallax robot control board wich holds the P8X32 chip. It is used very much allthough no-one seems to kn...
14 year 24 7108

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