5048 threads
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How to set up and relay trigger with time delay
Hi, ok - now that RR has stopped crashing (Thanks Steven!) I'm trying to make my way around.
11 year 24 4042
Leg bone fracture detection using x-ray images
am doing a project on leg bone (Tibia) fracture detection using image processing. I am using digital x-Ray bone fracture images...
13 year 23 13371
Startup Troubles
Hi, I have made a robot using Roborealm, and saved the file that I require as a .robo file. Now when I startup the compu...
16 year 22 3854
AVM Navigator variables
Im not able to find the email adress of the AVM Navigator creator, so i will adress my question here. I would like...
13 year 22 6450
Mex on Matlab
What probably is happening? When i try to mex the mexfunction.cpp appear the follow...
15 year 21 8948
Not a JPEG error when using read_HTTP module
When using the read_HTTP module to pull an image from a URL generated by EZ-Robots's EZ-Builder software I get a "Return Image...
10 year 21 3400
TCP/IP Modbus Connection
Hello, I am trying to connect a Universal Robot to Roborealm through the ethernet connector which uses the TCP/IP ...
10 year 21 6794
virtual webcam output
i was wondering if you could possibly implement a sort of software webcam, so that the final video is outputted into the...
16 year 21 8642
RR is not free!
oh my god! "A 30 day free trial of RoboRealm v2.1.1.3 is available for download!" i established al...
12 year 21 8062
Distributor client, transmitting variables
I am using the image distributor server module to transmit an image and variables, which gets processed by the client module. Th...
15 year 21 2721
FRC Network table issue
Hi Steven, Our team is trying to use network tables, we have been able to send data to the table fo...
10 year 20 7834
open COM ports in VBScript Program
Hi, I tried to read data from COM1 RS232 with the serial module. Attached to the COM port i...
16 year 20 5782
Plugin-Modul Error in 2.28.5
Hi, Something don't works with the Plugin-Modul in Version 2.28.5. I...
14 year 20 3228
interfacing an Arduino with robo realm?
is it possible to interface an Arduino Diecimila with the robo realm software? P.S. I'm k...
14 year 20 15036
Missile Launcher Tracking
Is it possible to have the missile launcher track an object, and when centered on the object fire a shot?
13 year 19 3414
Hi I am using the program for obstacle avoidance and the motor controllers are connected to arduino mega. But when...
12 year 19 2922
General Guidance on Design
I am starting on a project using an iRobot Create, a Fit PC Lite, i2c sensors, and a web cam. The Fit PC will run all the softwa...
14 year 19 3889
Camera Source-Network Camera vs TV Card
Any suggestions for connecting to a network camera? Currently the only option showing is a TV PCI card. My network camer...
16 year 19 14102
Array Help
In the VBScript section I retrieved the array that was created by the circles filter, but i am stuck on how to find out...
17 year 19 3830
Face Matching
Hello , i want to develop a application for face detection and matching. i want to us...
12 year 19 9876

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