5048 threads
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Camera Source-Network Camera vs TV Card
Any suggestions for connecting to a network camera? Currently the only option showing is a TV PCI card. My network camer...
16 year 19 14102
GPS Module crashing
Hello Everyone, I am using the GPS module for the first time and it seems to crash when I tell it w...
12 year 18 4472
Parrot AR Drone
So does anyone know enough about the new AR Drone to talk about whether it will be possible to connect it with RoboRealm? &...
12 year 18 6836
training images
hi, i tried to train a simple image from a folder but roborealm closes when i start training... what is the soluti...
13 year 18 4297
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.3 from your account link.
12 year 18 5652
Combine 2 different pipeline
Hi, I have 2 different pipeline for different detection characteristics which is:
9 year 18 3731
My First Attemp
STeven, Finally, I had time over the weekend to fiddle with RR, however it was not quite su...
17 year 18 6824
Bug selecting 2nd of 2 identical cameras
I have a total of 3 cameras on my laptop: Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 #2
15 year 18 2943
Easy Vision Program
Is there an easy vision program to use that won't take up a lot of processor space? I need it to be able to run on a single cor...
15 year 18 4241
Help regarding Rectangle/Square detection algorithm
Hi Steven, Thanks for your suggestion. Please find the sample images, RGB and BW, for your reference. I ha...
15 year 17 21968
Velleman USB
I have a Velleman USB interface board (K8055). I was wondering if there was an easy way to control it from roborealm. I have alr...
14 year 17 5625
I have been trying to connect my LEGO NXT. i tried to connect it in NXT-G like you described in your documentary but when i try...
15 year 17 3193
Have a problem with SetImage from Delphi. I've managed to "GetImage" from RR (here an example if an...
9 year 17 2812
Hi, I am trying to get Roborealm  to communicate to Mach3  running on the same computer(passin...
10 year 17 3757
Basler Camera II
Hi STeven, it has been awhile.  This is a continuation from a post from last year (see post Basler Camera).  ...
10 year 17 5186
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm?
Our team is relatively new in using RoboRealm. We got a sample program to track a hand but we would want to know how to get Robo...
11 year 17 4245
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed
Well I’ve gotten this far with my Robo Magellan project: ...
11 year 17 3654
STeven, Have you been following the progress on the Kinect open drivers? It would be pretty sweet t...
13 year 17 9050
Accessing COG Variables Through MSRS
I'm trying to create a simple ball following program in Microsoft Robotics Studio using a Lego NXT in conjunction with...
17 year 17 4368
Using more cameras.
Hi, I trying to use roborealm for visual control and becouse the controled object is very complicated part...
16 year 16 12206

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