5053 threads
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Object counting
I am a total noob when it comes to RoboRealm and programming in general. But i am eager to learn. I wonder if somebody can point...
14 year 11 5769
roborealm counting
hi..im new to roborealm..i want to use it to detect and count the number of balls of a particular color. so far i used the rgb f...
14 year 11 5488
RoboRealm Network Tables
We're having trouble receiving the data on Network_Tables in our c++ program.  TableViewer doesn't appear to be part o...
10 year 11 2812
Passing String variables to VBscript.
It seems like the GetVariable function only gets integers.   I want to use the li...
16 year 11 4921
how to connect roborealm to c++?
How can I connect wireless to C++ using Roborealm. I'm goona display the view from the wireless camera on the GUI of C++. I hop...
15 year 11 4188
some troubleshootin
Hi STeven, 1>How can i find out in which coloured region the given co-ordinate is?
16 year 11 2476
Vivotek wireless camera
Can someone please help me to get roborealm working on my vivotek camera. ...
15 year 11 3241
Bug in OSC module makes it unusable
Hello There seems to be a bug in the OSC_Send variable module. Im using it together w...
10 year 11 3467
Path Finder (Ceiling camera0
Hello First of all I would like to thank you for developing this awesome software. I...
15 year 11 5530
Can't change camera resolution
I'm using a bigcatch 5MP camera but am unable to get it to use a higher resolution than the lowest.  When I go to the...
16 year 11 5068
The circles module doesn't appear to recognize circles with a radius larger than 100 pixels.  I'm trying to find the...
16 year 11 4876
communicating to nxt over usb, and variables?
hey again, my bot is stationary, I would like to use usb, but I also have a program running on my nxt that controls precise moto...
16 year 11 4335
Cropping using variables
I think there maybe a problem when cropping an image using variables generated from point location(etc). If these...
16 year 11 4087
Newbie question
Hello all, I am currently trying to build a led pick and place machine, but in order to place the...
15 year 11 4690
Roomba Discovery Sensors
Hello, I'm using this with my Roomba. The Controls work fine, however the sensors are not correctl...
14 year 11 4931
pololu servo control via xbee
Hi, I have been using roborealm for controlling my pololu maestro 6 servo controller via a joystick  and it works fine...
11 year 11 4431
Propeller servo controller
I am going to buy a Propeller servo controller and I am going to make my own platform But... I want to know how to make the robo...
12 year 11 2591
Low Framerate
Hi Guys, I just upgraded from Version 2.26.3 to 2.28.1. I am running the same .robo file on all versions, but my f...
14 year 11 3820
Nearest blob
Is it possible to find the nearest blob based on blob perimeter instead of blob COG? ...
11 year 11 2568
RRmodule and MS.net 2005
I have been trying to get the dll extension working with RR. I am using MS VS 2005. To start...
17 year 11 2793

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