Velleman USB
Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts]
15 year
I have a Velleman USB interface board (K8055). I was wondering if there was an easy way to control it from roborealm. I have already tried the USB HID and it took forever to find out how to control just one outport, and It would take even longer to try and find how to turn on multiple outports Please help!!!
Anonymous 15 year

Looks like a nice board!

The easiest way (from a technical perspective) is to try to contact Velleman and request that a RoboRealm module be created for the device. We will typically do that for free assuming they are willing to send us one of their devices for testing purposes.

Other than that you might try to write your own application to use their dll to communicate to the device and then use the API to communicate to RoboRealm.

Anonymous 15 year
Has any one done any work on interfacing this board with Roborealm yet?  Just got the board and playing with it with VB at the moment but want to explore combining it with a vison system.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
Yah, I've tried hard. There is supposedly a dll that come with the board that can be used with C or VB. I tried it with VB and it didn't work, but then again, I'm not the best programmer. If you can get it working in C than you can send variable to roborealm using it's server. STeven can help you with the server hopefully. If you do get it working, can you please post how you did it? Also how did you "play around with it" in VB? I would like to learn the VB programing behind it. You might even be able to implement the VB script into the VB in Roborealm.
Sam R.
P.S. Heres the dll: http://www.vellemanusa.com/us/enu/product/view/?id=500349
Good luck!

Anonymous 15 year
Hi All,

Are either (or both) of you willing to be beta testers for that module? We don't have the device so the module would be created using our best guess at the interface. Since they do provide some programming examples and we would be using their dll it will probably be a pretty good guess ... but without actually testing the device we will not know for sure. That's where you guys would come in. Let me know if this is something you'd be willing to do.

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
That would be amazing! I bought this board thinking that it would be easy to program, but I was having difficulties programing it. It would be great to have a module that would interface with it for me. What can this module do? I would be happy to try it out for you.
Thank you,
Sam R.
Anonymous 15 year
Ok, you guys are on! Please download 2.11.8 which includes a new module for the Velleman interface board. You can just search for Velleman using the search tab to add that into your pipeline. Note that we have NOT tested this against the actual board since we don't have one to test against ... but as it uses the dll that they provide it should work somewhat. You may need to place their dll in the windows folder or in the same folder as you have installed RoboRealm (c:\program files\RoboRealm) to ensure that it can be found. Can you guys check it out and see if actually does anything? A bit more detail than "It doesn't work!" would be nice as we will not have much to go on in terms of testing.

The interface is similar to what they provide so hopefully you will not need the documentation which is pending the actual launch of this module.

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
Ok... How can I upgrade to 2.11.8?
Sam R.
Anonymous 15 year
Do you still have the link that you used to download the trial or the licensed copy? Just click on that again and it will download the latest version. Let me know if you have any issues with that.

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
No, I'm sorry I don't have the link any more. Sorry.
Sam R.
Anonymous 15 year

No problem. I just sent your download link to your email address. Or at least I think it was your email address ... let me know if you don't see that email.

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
Got it, thanks! I'll get back to you in a week or so to tell you if it works
Sam R.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
IT WORKS!!!!!! This is great!!!!! Thank you so much!!
Sam R.
Anonymous 15 year

That's good to hear. Can we assume that you checked all the different parts? DA, AD, Digitial In, Digital Out, and the Counters?

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
In the process of testing everything. But the manual part works really well. I'll post as soon as I'm done.
Sam R.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
Ok. The outputs work (checked using LED's). All the inputs don't work. Also, if anyone knows how to connect motors or any load to the K8055 can you please post some directions? I've tried relays, and a transister switch, but the K8055 always seems to bring down the voltage. Any ideas?
Sam R.
VorlonKen  [9 posts] 14 year
Wow, finally you got round to doing this one after all this time :). Thanks

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