5053 threads
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RoboRealm Network Tables
We're having trouble receiving the data on Network_Tables in our c++ program.  TableViewer doesn't appear to be part o...
10 year 11 2830
PCB Screw Holes
Hello! I am completely new to the world of vision systems and need your help.
8 year 11 2171
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module
Hello, I would like to use the Optical Flow module to track a moving object even when the camera it...
15 year 11 5497
Head ache with usb problem for multi-camera
Dear All, I really need your help at the moment. Now, i am working with more than 10 camera...
17 year 11 2932
Nearest blob
Is it possible to find the nearest blob based on blob perimeter instead of blob COG? ...
11 year 11 2586
I've been trying to flatten out the text on the prescription bottles, and the closest I have come is using bottle unwrap along ...
11 year 11 3101
How to stop slideshow demo
After staring RoboRealm, the camera view starts to cycle through a filter demo mode. Nothing is in the modules pane. I have unlo...
14 year 11 2703
Passing String variables to VBscript.
It seems like the GetVariable function only gets integers.   I want to use the li...
16 year 11 4936
Hello all, I am participating in an underwater Robotics in competition. I am using roborealm for the entire contr...
9 year 11 3387
Crop and Scale modules don't change IMAGE_WIDTH variable
Hi STeven, Using RR version 2.5.9, I noticed that when I Crop a 320x240 image to a lesser width, sa...
15 year 11 4432
communicating to nxt over usb, and variables?
hey again, my bot is stationary, I would like to use usb, but I also have a program running on my nxt that controls precise moto...
16 year 11 4354
Low Framerate
Hi Guys, I just upgraded from Version 2.26.3 to 2.28.1. I am running the same .robo file on all versions, but my f...
14 year 11 3855
Target Localization Module?
So I was browsing the FRC tutorials and was reading Vision Targeting #2 which talked about a target localization module. &n...
12 year 11 2809
some troubleshootin
Hi STeven, 1>How can i find out in which coloured region the given co-ordinate is?
16 year 11 2497
Pothole detect
Hi, Mr. Steven. Can you give me example to detect pothole and crack size? Roborealm is very new to me and it would be awesome if...
9 year 11 3994
Object counting
I am a total noob when it comes to RoboRealm and programming in general. But i am eager to learn. I wonder if somebody can point...
14 year 11 5788
Newbie question
Hello all, I am currently trying to build a led pick and place machine, but in order to place the...
15 year 11 4719
Basler Camera Scan Area Setting
In GeniCam module, I can not set area scan larger than 500 x 500. I am using Basler ACA2440-20GC&n...
3 year 11 2349
Avoid bottom border
Hi STeven, I want to apply a filter that avoids the bottom border only. Can this be done?...
13 year 10 3362
MSRDS 4 beta2 is not working with Roborealm
I tried a lot...but i was not able to interface MSRDS4 beta2(latest version) with roborealm.....i used MSRS 2008_R3 to configure...
12 year 10 3011

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