5053 threads
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Xbee with Arduino
Harold, Would you be willing to share your robo setup using the Xbee, Arduino and joystick....
12 year 10 3903
winte into the roborealm virtual device
HI, I would like to know if it is possible configured the roborealm virtual device as an output dev...
8 year 10 2167
Remote PTZ of Quick Cam
I have read the tutorials about remote control of a Quick Cam and was wondering if it would be possible to control the cameras r...
16 year 10 3215
bluetooth boe bot
is it possible to use Roborealm software with Parallax eb500 bluetooth module. ...
18 year 10 8666
Traxster Module
I can run Roborealm just fine, and can load every module I have tried. However when I go to load up the traxster module Roboreal...
15 year 10 3952
Wireless Camera Recommendation
I have a Robo Magellan bot to which I would like to add a vision system. ...
11 year 10 9146
How i want to interface roborealm with VB.NET
I would like to know, how to detect shape like triangle, rectangle, circle and square? I already tried to detect shape with diff...
16 year 10 5491
MSRDS 4 beta2 is not working with Roborealm
I tried a lot...but i was not able to interface MSRDS4 beta2(latest version) with roborealm.....i used MSRS 2008_R3 to configure...
13 year 10 3017
Shape Match with API and idx files?
Hi, So I'm trying to call a few RoboRealm scripts using the API (python, but that doesn't really...
16 year 10 2391
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator
Hello, Am using AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 licensed version with RR v2.46.37. With object...
12 year 10 3432
about the I2C bus on the serializer board
Steven what variables are they on the I2C bus to read from mostly TPA81 and how do i write them...
14 year 10 6957
C# questions
I can start the camera and set up a green filter using rr.execute("<head><version>1.50</ve...
17 year 10 4397
FT232RL USB to Serial
I used to be able to control the motors with the RoboRealm DE_Sabertooth. Since then 2 things have changed. I changed th...
17 year 10 6218
RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb
Hello, I have connected a wireless camera to an Eminent video grabber. When I use the...
15 year 10 4342
Interfacing Windows Joystick to RoboRealm?
I haven't found anything on this but here is my setup: Motors->Sabertooth 2x25->TTL->USB-...
15 year 10 5531
Phidgets Motor Encoder Access?
The Roborealm Motor controller does not seem to have built in encoder support. I am using a ...
12 year 10 3606
Image Matching/Product Discrimination
Hi Steven, I'd like your advice on the best way to differentiate the products in the images attached.The view is...
16 year 10 3323
Identifying X and Y COG serial data of two objects
So far, I have been tracking one object by color. I have been using the variables COG_X and COG_Y for the coordinates of this un...
12 year 10 4248
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm
Hello, I thought some of you might get a kick out of a few head tracking videos I just made using R...
15 year 10 9011
gps devices
hi steven .. i wanted to know the gps devices which would be highly compatible wid the gps module in RR .
9 year 10 3028

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