Passing String variables to VBscript. Anonymous from United Kingdom [99 posts] |
17 year
It seems like the GetVariable function only gets integers.
I want to use the listen module the get voice commands "stop", "forward" etc. Based on these commands change the value of a move variable which will get sent out to the robot.
Here is a robo file that is working, but it seems so inelegant!
Spent the day interfacing the Roboquad to Roborealm. It works, but is not an attractive vision platform. (I had such hopes for that neck as a pan and tilt on a very flexible platform.) The problem is that the built in software wants to interfere with the commands that I am sending, and I have yet to figure out a way to bludgeon its "autonomous" mode into submission.
Now I just have the Roboquad running off voice control with a camera mounted on its head. Cute, but not that useful. program.robo
Anonymous |
17 year
Correct. The GetVariable only returns integers. To get strings from within the VBScript module use
We noted that this was not documented in the VBScript module. This has been corrected and other routines that have been added over time have also been better documented in that page. Thanks for the question!
Anonymous |
17 year
Ohh, and any chance of getting a picture of that RoboQuad? We had a look at that platform and didn't proceed with it as it does require a lot of customization to add a camera and control system. But it is an interesting choice for a platform! I'm curious what the images look like when the robot moves.
Anonymous |
17 year
I posted a video from the RoboQuads perspective on the RoboQuad page.
I took it through its worst case movements, where it is whipping its neck around and doing its escape movements to free itself from obstacles. It is not an ideal platform, but still ..... its just darn cool
have fun!
Anonymous |
17 year
Ha,ha .. nice videos. I can see what you mean by a bad imaging platform. Hmm, nothing like a challenge but I think we'll let that one go!
It does indeed have some very strange movements but seems to work quite nicely under voice control.
tomvn from United States [7 posts] |
16 year
could i do that voice command for boebot? i try to write vbscript for my robot but it not work, so what else do i need for this project?
Anonymous |
16 year
That's hard to know without knowing anything about your project. Perhaps you can describe your issue in more detail and also submit a robofile of what you have so far.
Are you able to control the BoeBot using the sliders in that GUI? Do you have a microphone attached to your PC? Have you trained the MS voice recognition on your voice?
tomvn from United States [7 posts] |
16 year
Hi Steven i try that all day with voice recognition boebot i use eb500 for wireless to control boebot i use the robofile in this forum and mod it, but it work like to confuse , i am not know much about vbscript and i need some help to make boebot move smooth when command with my voice , and i very much to thanks if you can help, here my robofile program.robo
tomvn from United States [7 posts] |
16 year
Anonymous |
16 year
It looks like your robofile is ok for the most part but in the serial module you have
![Left_motor] <if> [Right_motor] <if>
which I think should probably be
i.e. remove all spaces, change "if" which is meaningless to "lf" (note the letter change from 'i' to 'l'.
Perhaps that will help your Boe-Bot better understand what it is getting over serial.
What program are you running on your boebot? If it is the one that we distribute then you might want to just use the boebot module to send commands to the robot.
tomvn from United States [7 posts] |
16 year
it work, but like they just active one or two command and take confuse , i really dont now how, like i say forward , it sometime striger boebot servo some time dont and backward, left right same thing.