5053 threads
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moving dancer
Hello. Id like to capture a dancer in a space of 12m*12m. The camera is mounted in 5m height in the middle of the ...
11 year 10 2424
Video format and Lynxmotion_SSC bugs in
Hello, I upgraded to the latest version of RR ( and the Video Format button is gre...
17 year 10 3134
Laser point tracking (USB missile launcher)
Having tried a while back to get motion tracking working with my dreamcheeky USB missile launcher, I met with little suc...
17 year 10 5091
Webcsm with Zoom Facility
Hi, Anyone suggest me the webcam with zoom facility.I need to control the zoom through software.I n...
14 year 10 5860
Generic HID device control from RoboRealm (plus wiimote)
The Dream Cheeky Missile Launcher and USBCar are two examples of HID devices that Roborealm can control.  Rath...
13 year 9 13421
watch variables
I'm spending most of everyday working with RR, and quite getting used to it, but one feature would be really han...
10 year 9 2877
Logitech Orbit
I just purchased the Logitech Orbit for testing. The Logitech Orbit module in RoboRealm does not recognize the camera.&n...
17 year 9 3276
Mindstorm project
  I have to program a robot for my final year project. I am using the Nxt kit and with a camera. I will not be...
17 year 9 3886
BT-Messages to the NXT-Brick
I have a wish for an upcomming release of your great software: Is it possible to add Bluetooth-Communicati...
18 year 9 5951
Fiducial Questions
Hi STeven, Wrestling with the understanding the details of the outputs from the fiducial module. I...
11 year 9 3019
Binning pixels to increase signal
A module to bin pixels to increase signal at the expense of resolution would be useful. It should be possible to bin dif...
17 year 9 4068
Multiple Camers
I've been wrestling with this for 2 days now... how can I get RR to load using a specific camera and .robo file?
16 year 9 4310
Red background white circle tracking
Hey guys, ive been trying for days to make a robo file with a redshirt with a big white circle on it to be followed. Anyone can ...
11 year 9 9675
Possible to use TV Tuner?
I'm having trouble getting your software to work with a Hauppage WinTV USB device. (http://www.hauppauge...
18 year 9 6006
Areas of Research - Machine Vision Security
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the forum, or even the right website for this post, but I have been using RR for various robotic...
16 year 9 2756
Delete arrghh
Hi The 'Delete' button is right next to the 'Edit' button. Problem is, there is no 'Undo' but...
11 year 9 2181
Multi Camera, logitech quickcam pro
Hi, Has anyone been able to use two  Logitech QuickCam Pro's for any kind of ste...
14 year 9 3314
Image Module Problem
Hello Steven, [image1] [image2] I’m trying to align/regi...
16 year 9 4893
Speak Module repeats itself...
Hello everyone. I've got my robot to obey voice commands, like "come," "reverse," "stop" etc...
14 year 9 5172
Roborealm Crash
Hi Steve, i have finally got my circle detection module working. but now when i add socket program...
15 year 9 2440

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