Laser point tracking (USB missile launcher) Anonymous |
17 year
Having tried a while back to get motion tracking working with my dreamcheeky USB missile launcher, I met with little success and my interest soon waned.
seeing this recent video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngqZrrx9wgE it has rekindled my interest in fiddling with roborealm.
I am aware that there is a similar thread labelled "Laser detection" but it doesnt really answer the question posed here of laser tracking working in tandem with a USB missile launcher.
I downloaded the .robo file from the "laser detection" thread and added in the DC_missile module in the hopes that it would work.....unfortunately not. My ultimate aim is to achieve a working model as shown in the youtube video, albeit with my DC launcher as opposed to the Striker version.
Help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Anonymous |
17 year
We've found that using different lasers in different lighting conditions does require some tweaking of the module configurations. Can you include an image with your laser light in it shining on a wall surface where you plan to use this? Give this image we'd be able to better tweak the parameters or understand why your laser light is not being well detected.
Anonymous |
17 year
i'll get one posted up ASAP. In the meantime, what is the latest version of Roborealm (
Just asking because having downloaded what appeared to be the latest version of Roborealm, it now gives me an error mesage everytime i open up the PCwebcam + usb missile launcher.robo file....sometime about a certain module not being able to function correctly in this current version, please update to the latest version.
picture posted Anonymous |
17 year
i'm using a Hercules 1.3MP webcam classic. Laser point is located in the centre of the two pictures hanging on the wall.
obviously in an ideal world, i'd like to have the usb missile launcher track the red laser in daylight ie. as seen in the youtube video. Can this be accomplished with my set-up?
Anonymous |
17 year
If you didn't describe where the laser point was we'd never have found it! The laser light is just too week in your image above. Perhaps you should try increasing the lighting and see if the laser point becomes more recognizable in the image? The general rule is that if us humans can't decipher the image there is little chance of it working with artificial vision. Can you try using a different laser or using different lighting conditions and upload them again?
Anonymous |
17 year
unfortunately, with the light turned on, the laser dot is completely washed out.
I'm still trying figure how the youtube guy got his to work at such a distance! The set-up that he was using was nothing too fancy - just a regular £3/$6 laser point, £9/$18 webcam and the USB striker missile launcher.
If the laser dot cannot be tracked because it is too weak, would it be possible for a focused high power LED torch beam to be tracked instead via Roborealm? Though laser point tracking is by far cooler lol.
Anonymous |
17 year
It seems to heavily depend on the laser being used. Ours is about a $20 laser and it seems to be able to be picked up ok in lower light. I imagine the larger the dot the more likely the image will be able to be processed to detect it. Naturally a laser torch would probably work better too.
It is also possible that the laser color and camera combo that you have just don't work. I.e. the red color made by the laser is probably not quite right for the camera you are using. So you could also try different cameras (if you have more than one) or different colored lasers (but think they may be more expensive).
Nick [1 posts] |
17 year
get a more powerful laser. http://wickedlasers.com . These lasers can be used for all kinds of things, though they are kind of expensive. Just get anything 15mw or above will work fine. Oh, and perferably green. Green is the most noticable color to the human eye, as well as cameras.
Samumu from Ireland [6 posts] |
17 year
Hi there,
Have u find anything new about this topic?
Because as far as i am concerned i have made a color tracker, which is really improved even in hard daylight conditions.
I can't tell whether it would work with your laser, (i don't use a laser but a red led) but i think it could work, as lasers are more powerfull.
I tried with many other red objects and all are perfectly detected.
Typically, i made a color thresholding, then a population one, to gather all the dots. After that, i find the center of gravity, and computes stuffs with them.
I think the best is that u see that by yourself.
if u have any question about that, just ask!
See you!
Anonymous |
17 year
this is totally awesome!
a bit of tweaking and i'll be all set. i'm really grateful for this. cheers mate.