Multiple Camers
moot from United States  [22 posts]
15 year
I've been wrestling with this for 2 days now... how can I get RR to load using a specific camera and .robo file?

I have two camers. I want to be able to FTP an image from each camera. I want to have a Date/Time Stamp on each image.

I've tried so many combinations of things that I'm really, really confused now. I've gotten it to work by loading RR (holding Ctrl) then loading RR again (holding Ctrl).  I then set "Allow Multiple Running Instances" in both.
I close both. I open RR twice now with double-click on shortcut (I'm using Windows XP). I now select the camera I want for this instance and the .robo file I want to use.
There has got to be an easier way! What am I missing? If I make any changes to either instance I seems to screw up everything and have to start over again.
Can someone get me on the right track? Please... I want to learn how to do this the right way...


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em think...
Anonymous 15 year

Probably the easiest way to do this is to just have one instance running of RoboRealm, select the appropriate camera and FTP module. Then after the FTP module use the Marker module to select the second camera, perform whatever processing as needed (i.e. date/time) and then add a SECOND FTP module to send that image up. Thus the two image uploads will function in one RoboRealm instance and be much easier to maintain. Attached is an example robofile (using the same camera twice ... but you can configure for two cameras and use the appropriate FTP settings twice).

Let us know if you have any issues with this sequence.

Thanks for the donation!


moot from United States  [22 posts] 15 year
I renamed the file to working.robo and when I started RR I got an error that my version ( was out of date and I should download.
Should I? Is available?
Anyway, I'm going to use what I have for now...
Anonymous 15 year
Yes, is on the website ... but the attached robofile does not use anything that you do not already have. So you can just ignore that warning. Whenever we post a robofile it is always using the most recent version of RR so that's the reason the message pops up ... but it is not always a real issue unless we have added a new module that is mentioned in the post.

You can always download the latest version by clicking on the link that was sent to your email address when you first registered.

moot from United States  [22 posts] 15 year
First, thanks for your help -- and patience...I am trying...
This is strange. I've attached a copy of my working.robo file.

It appears that the first camera picked is the Intel (which is the _south camera) and appears to be 'current'.
BUT - I had to name the upload image as _north!
and name the Logitech (_north) camera image as _south?

AND - if I don't leave the last module in RR highlighted both images are the same - _south. If I highlight the previous FTP module (_north) then both images are _north... man am I confused!

Seems like something is bass-ackwards... could just be me :-)

I've switched settings around and this is the best I could do... give the files opposite names to make them show up in the right place on the web page - let me know if you want the link posted or just emailed.

Well, I'm going to give it a rest for a while and see if I can clear my head...
Any insights are appreciated...
Anonymous 15 year

You're just about there ... just change the second FTP module image to ALSO be current. The name you use for the marker module is not necessary as you don't care about the current image at the time of the marker module since you've just FTPd it up to the site. The name is just specified since that module requires a name ... but it is not used in any way.

Keep in mind that clicking on any module will show you the image currently at that module. Thus clicking after the Marker module should show the second webcam image, whereas before that will be the first webcam. This is used to debug what is happening in the pipeline. Keep in mind that even if you don't see the first webcam image after the marker module does not mean that things did not work ... selecting a module only shows you what is currently in process but does not destroy nor invalidate other images saved in the background.

Note that the FTP module image specifies which image to use. You want to use Current in both since the image just before the FTP module is the one that you want to FTP. Specifying another image will FTP that image up to the website which is why you would have been getting two images of the same content being FTPd ... cause the first FTP module's image was current and the second was the named image at the time of the bookmark ... which IS the first image.

Hopefully that helps to break the confusion a little.

moot from United States  [22 posts] 15 year
Well, I tried but when I change the 2nd FTP to Current I get the image that is from the 1st... if I use the marker name it works... except for the business of having to swap names...
Just touching the modules seems to affect the upload process. If I don't start at the top and touch each one to the bottom things seem to screw up, i.e., the Date/Time will not be on an image.
Clicking through the modules does show everything right... that's what is so vexing...
When I click on the Marker it shows me the correct camera view (_south) but without the Date/Time Stamp. When I click on the Display module that follows I get the correct view and the Date/Time on the _south image.

The way I have it now at least gives me what I want for now... just have to keep good notes...

Just noticed the numbers on the very right side of the pipeline box - what do they mean? Reason I ask is because they are all 00:0000 except for the Marker module... that is 00:0010 - 00:0015, variable +/-

Maybe the answer will come to me in a dream...


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em think...
Anonymous 15 year

Don't worry .. you're not going crazy! We did find an issue that caused what you are seeing not to be what was being FTP'd. The Date/Time and serveral other graphic annotation routines were changed a while back and caused the FTP module to become somewhat confused. This has just been cleared up and now functions in the way that I mentioned in my previous email. Please give that download a try and just change the second FTP module to current and things should hopefully go back to making sense. Sorry for the confusion!

v2.0.6.2 should contain that fix.

moot from United States  [22 posts] 15 year
Did the download (v2.0.6.3) and it appears to be in order. Thanks so much for clearing this issue.
I'm still curious as to the numbers on the right side of the pipeline display box... what do they mean? On this version the FTP modules also have values displayed... something about frames being processed?

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