Generic HID device control from RoboRealm (plus wiimote) Anonymous from United Kingdom [99 posts] |
17 year
The Dream Cheeky Missile Launcher and USBCar are two examples of HID devices that Roborealm can control. Rather then writing a unique driver for each device, a generic HID driver would be an extremely useful tool.
The driver would have to;
1. Find the available devices
2. Let you specify the device you wanted to communicate with.
3. Have input and output controls similar to the serial device control.
While I am a feeble HID device program, it seems like this should be pretty straight forward to expose. Anyone have any other ideas on what would be required?
I am currently playing with the Wiimote (I don't own a Wii but the wiimote is around $30!) This has a 3 axis accelerometer, 1024x768 IR camera and bluetooth, better yet it communicates as a HID device. Quick link to my progress:
Ricardo Sampaio from Portugal [32 posts] |
17 year
thats a great idea i use the wiimote to but to interface it whit the roboreal i must use "glovepie" to get the keys and axys.
In glovepie is free-source so i think it wouldn't be very hard to make it append.
Looking forward in this area.
Anonymous from United Kingdom [99 posts] |
17 year
I was experimenting with GlovePIE yesterday to pass data from the Wiimote to RoboRealm. I can pass it as mouse coordinates or keypresses, but neither of these is particularly satisfying. What element are you using to pass data?
Ricardo Sampaio from Portugal [32 posts] |
17 year
Both keypreesse and as a joystick, for the joystick i have other software that i need to have running but atm im not at work so i cant check the name but is in the same web site as a link i think.
I also use nuckchuk and it works the same way, so i get 3more sensors 2axis joystick and 2more buttons.
U can also use up to 7 wiimotes at the same time.
Anonymous |
17 year
Nice ideas! We'll definately incorporate a generic USB HID device very similar to the serial module. Should make for a nice addition.
Seems like there is also interest in having a Wii module? Does the Wii just communicate over Bluetooth? Anyone got a link to the protocol that it uses? Seems to be just another wireless joystick but we're not sure (cause we don't have a Wii just yet) if it is treated just like another DirectX device.
Thanks the suggestions, we'll definately see what we can do!
Ricardo Sampaio from Portugal [32 posts] |
17 year
Anonymous from United Kingdom [99 posts] |
17 year
A wiimote driver would be great! Here is a link that shows some of the possibilities of the wiimote in robotics.
The wiimote acts like a HID device over bluetooth. It does have some peculiarities. (Like when I point SimpleHIDwrite at it, it crashes the computer.) This is because the wiimote doesn't respond correctly to GetAttributes(I think that is what it is called)
Here is a link to all the details on the wiimote and interfacing.
There are several code libraries out there already for the wiimote. I used this library:
have fun!
jamesbdunn from United States [3 posts] |
13 year
The format of universal messages for robotics has already been created by the military. As a matter of fact, if you follow the JAUS message architecture you can use RoboRealm to control military robots, road vehicles, drone airplanes, under water robots/vehicles....
This is a standard like SAE; incidentally, it is an SAE standard.
JAUS also includes security encryption in a Java format so that each device is protected from hacking.
Now reverse this. Make a device with RoboRealm that is JAUS compliant, and you can now market your device to Defense Contractors like General Dynamics, Honeywell, Air Force Research Laboratories...
JAUS is a natural remote interface because it does not matter what the electrical interface is (USB, RS-232, RS-485, parallel port, infrared, Wi-Fi, bluetooth...), the message architecture is the same.
I believe a national database is available to upload device drivers for various devices already developed.
Rather than starting from scratch, you can jump onboard with a host of experts providing you with support by using the JAUS remote robotic control message architecture.
jamesbdunn from United States [3 posts] |
13 year
jamesbdunn from United States [3 posts] |
13 year
Wiimote has already been modeled in JAUS, so if you make the your device JAUS compliant, then you need only the Wiimote layer in JAUS to control your device with a Wii.