Multi Camera, logitech quickcam pro
Trent Sommerville from United Kingdom  [5 posts]
16 year

Has anyone been able to use two  Logitech QuickCam Pro's for any kind of stero appication,

I am only able to get one camera to work in anyone pipeline, when the second camera is selected it reverts to the first camera.

Windows is happy with the installation, as both camera's can be seen at once in another application.

Does anyone have a solution or a work around ?


Anonymous 16 year

Can you send us a screenshot of the camera list dropdown? (Use Alt-Prt Scr when focused in camera dropdown in options->Video and then paste in paint program) The two Logitech cameras should have a #1 and #2 after the names. This is what RR adds in to differentiate the two cameras. Also be sure that you are using DirectX as VFW does NOT support multiple cameras of the same manufacturer. For example our camera list (after testing the Mosaic module with two Creative Cameras) looks like

This has been an issue in the past but it is always possible that some new camera configuration causes problems again.

Trent Sommerville from United Kingdom  [5 posts] 16 year
In the drop down only the second camera has the # and its either side of the two.

its like this;

QuickCam Pro for Notebooks
QuickCam Pro for Notobooks #2#

Anonymous 16 year

Can you download v and see what that dropdown looks like now?

We just uploaded a new version that should help with this issue.

Ideally you should be seeing

QuickCam Pro for Notebooks
QuickCam Pro for Notobooks #2

i.e. missing the second # in the second entry. If you do try re-adding the mosaic module and selecting one camera in each dropdown.

Trent Sommerville from United Kingdom  [5 posts] 16 year

Working fine.

Thanks Steven.
Mark Hamester from Australia  [2 posts] 14 year
Hi Steven.

I am using rr2.20.0.

Using two usb 2.0 cameras that are the same I can only get one to work in mosaic module.
In the Mosaic camera selector they come up as;

USB Video Device
USB Video Device #2

I can select both but as soon as I run the 2nd camera shows a black area.

Mosaic works OK if I use one of these USB Video Device cameras and one Logitec camera.
Is this the old problem back again or am I doing something wrong?


Jim from United Kingdom  [12 posts] 14 year
Try them in different USB hubs if they're in the same one, i couldn't get 2 generic webcams working if they share a hub. Chaining the hubs doesn't seem to help either, they both need to ultimately get to a separate motherboard USB port.
Anonymous 14 year

the other issue to note is that each camera requires a good deal of power ... so unless you hub is separately powered it may cause the second cam to not work. We've had this issue before with 3 cameras. Connecting to another hub directly from the laptop should distribute the power a bit.

It can also be the age/type of cameras that you are using. Some of then just do not work when they are both the same brand! Only way we've found this was by experimentation.

Mark Hamester from Australia  [2 posts] 14 year
Thanks guys.
I connected one camera direct to the laptop usb and the 2nd via a passive usb hub.

Works like a charm now.



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