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Here are some sample images.  The images were taken without compression using 16mm lenses from two cameras sep...
17 year 1 2928
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Can I download all the documentation at once?  I see it on the net but I would like to have a pdf file.
17 year 2 2806
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how can i connect to a data base... how to store previously found data on a data base...
17 year 2 3114
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i really thank u 2 mush about your replay and your help but i forget 2 tell u that i use wireless radio control and i do...
17 year 1 3221
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Nevermind.  figured it out.  LOL  Thanks. Is there a filter o...
17 year 3 3472
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Can Roborealm now use multi core processors?  We need to run multi-instances and multi cameras per instance. We will b...
9 months 3 533
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Will this SSC controller http://roborealm.com/help/SSC.php
17 year 2 3750
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Including the picture in jpg
17 year 1 3319
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seems the images didn't get attached?  trying again......
17 year 0 3579
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Hi, steven Can you create a specilized software for my .robo file, eliminatin...
16 year 2 3153
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how to write a program communicate with the parallel port mapping and COG? that to control the parallel port output volt...
17 year 4 3582
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Seems the images didn't go through, trying again... ...
17 year 2 3139
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Hi, I have just purchased a Canon Minidv camcorder ZR850. I tried using it with the firewire connection bu...
17 year 3 2808
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Hi, I have noticed that roborealm can control the pan tilt function on the Logitech Oribit...
17 year 1 2544
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hey i am trying to incorporate vision into my robots.   but , i am unable to think of any way to...
17 year 2 2672
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Scott found a possible bug. When we change the baud rate in the GUI for the Dimension Engineering Sabertooth you must fi...
16 year 2 2915
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How do I use and process images from the simulated webcam in MSRS? What I want to do is shi...
17 year 1 2677
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how to do parallel port in vbs format controlling any of 8ch and this error...
18 year 0 4509
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Here is a zip file of the extensions directory. I was building the dll straight into the Roborealm directory, but have p...
17 year 0 3003
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So I have been slowly working through the propeller labs.  Taking a small baby step, I am trying to get robore...
17 year 2 3696

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