So I have been slowly working through the propeller labs. Taking a small baby step, I am trying to get roborealm to recognize a button being pushed. Using the following spin code I can watch the button being pushed in the terminal emulator it correctly produces a carriage return, a 0, or a 1, and a tab:
Display pushbutton states with roborealm}}
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
Debug: "FullDuplexSerialPlus"
PUB TerminalPushbuttonDisplay
Debug.start(31, 30, 0, 57600) ' initiates serial connection
waitcnt(clkfreq*7 + cnt) ' waits 7 seconds
If ina[10] == 1 ' if the button on pin 10 is pushed
Debug.str(String(13,"1",9)) 'output <cr>1<tab>
Debug.str(String(13,"0",9)) 'output <cr>0<tab>
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) 'wait 1/100 second before repeat
on the roborealm side, I have loaded serial control and Watch_Variables. I can connect to the com port at 57600 and the only thing I have is
under receive sequence.
I open Watch_Variables and it sticks at "0" no matter the state of the button.
Do I need an initialization sequence? If I do, it is unclear to me if I need an initialization sequence at every connect to update the state of [Button] or just once at the beginning.
This is my initial attempt at a "HELLO WORLD" type of program to get information from the propeller to Roborealm. I feel I am missing something obvious.