5048 threads
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detect white  color?
How to detect white color using RGB filter? ...
9 year 3 3106
Recommend a high speed camera
Hello, I want to get a high speed camera, I guess if 1394 camera can be compatible with RoboReam or other type. A...
15 year 4 2687
"Write AVI" with the filename from variable
Is it possible to do a Write AVI with the file name provided in a variable?...
7 year 2 2535
(Virtual serial port emulator) not work
I need to connect a virtual serial port with RoboRealm. The program that emulates the serial "virtual serial port...
13 year 3 2686
-apiport and -newinstance broken
It seems like -apiport and -newinstance are broken in newer versions.  2.5.2 and the newest 2.11.6.
15 year 3 2039
.robo file it loads tabs but doesn't load their contents
Dear STeven. I in a script use tabs. When I open .robo file it loads tabs but doesn't load their co...
9 year 3 1896
2 axis motion control with stepper motors
Im interested in a 2 axis stepper motor based system that can be controled using the usb or serial port on a standard PC...
17 year 5 4527
2 Boe-Bot Robot Communicating eachother
I'm wondering if this would be possible, to make 2 boe-bot robots communicate with each other, like example other boe-bot tells...
16 year 2 2165
2 different Multiple blob array
Hi, I've currently set my program to detect 2 different sets of blobs (red and yellow) in my case. This is the c...
16 year 4 2453
2 rr crash questions
Hi,Steven, I found several problem, the edition of RR is 1) It works well in my Winxp, bu...
16 year 0 2760
2.5D Analysis
Hello, I was wondering if you had any recommendations for how to detect objects in this scene:
6 year 1 1585
2014 FRC First Time Vision Tracking
Im new to RoboRealm Filters and am unsure what to do next. As of now our RoboFile recongizes the dynamic target and Follows it a...
10 year 2 1942
2D barcode
I was wondering if you are able to decode the attached 2d barcode image.  I see a selection in the Matching->barcod...
11 year 9 3113
2D code read
Hello I have a problem with reading 2D code. I have a few 2d codes as in the picture. ...
9 year 4 2189
2d decode
Hi STeven, Things have been working well with the 2d matrix decode module.  Just got a ne...
10 year 2 2392
2D tracking
Is there a tutorial on how to calibrate the camera for 2d tracking? How do I deal with the distortion as things move away from t...
9 year 4 2186
3 camera output on single screen
In my application, I am using 3 camera. I need three camera windows open simultaneously.
3 year 3 1844
3 object tracking. The best way?
Hi STeven, Thanks for sorting out the flipping in roborealm :) It was both the flip horizon...
16 year 7 2700
3 wheel robot object tracking
hi i have another idea to work with the object tracking without servo motors with parellel port , i could change in the...
17 year 2 3382
360-degree video hardware?
Hello, First of all, many thanks for making RoboRealm available.  This is an incr...
16 year 16 9312

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