(Virtual serial port emulator) not work tubincolo from Italy [2 posts] |
13 year
I need to connect a virtual serial port with RoboRealm.
The program that emulates the serial "virtual serial port emulator".
The problem is that other software can see the virtual serial port, RoboRealm does not see it, it sees only the hardware ports. Who can help me?
Best Regards
Anonymous |
13 year
Do you see the port if you use the Control Panel and run Device Manager to see the COM ports? Or is it also missing from that list?
What OS are you using?
What port # would you expect to see in the RR dropdown?
What module are you using? The serial module?
RR should recognize virtual ports. We use that all the time for port #'s in the 100's!
tubincolo from Italy [2 posts] |
13 year
All solved,
I changed the program for virtualizing serial ports.
Thank you very much.