5052 threads
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how to write a program communicate with the parallel port mapping and COG? that to control the parallel port output volt...
17 year 4 3653
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Hello, Thank you for this great software, It will help me a lot in my next project. T...
16 year 7 3512
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i really thank u 2 mush about your replay and your help but i forget 2 tell u that i use wireless radio control and i do...
17 year 1 3299
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Hi, I have just purchased a Canon Minidv camcorder ZR850. I tried using it with the firewire connection bu...
17 year 3 2884
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Ok, I think I'm on to something here........ and so far its not looking to bad... as of yet, within the last few minute...
17 year 2 2679
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now we want to deal wih analog so we can make O/P+I/P analog so how can this thanx...
17 year 3 2910
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So I have been slowly working through the propeller labs.  Taking a small baby step, I am trying to get robore...
17 year 2 3776
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I have this robo file to identify the laser pointer X values. Now that i have updated to the newest version of roborealm with th...
16 year 0 3194
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seems the images didn't get attached?  trying again......
18 year 0 3660
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how Ican measure distance & angle by roborealm...
16 year 0 3245
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The Microsoft Speech 5.0 is no longer availible is there anyother way to get input?...
16 year 1 3112
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Will this SSC controller http://roborealm.com/help/SSC.php
18 year 2 3830
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Hi,I'm interested in "listen module",but  what I said is always recognized wrong. Does I need do some training? I u...
16 year 4 3243
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How do I use and process images from the simulated webcam in MSRS? What I want to do is shi...
17 year 1 2754
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I've tried to call other objects recognition in section 2 by passing Cscript but It's also returned to call  object re...
1 year 2 858
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Hi,Steven, I found several problem, the edition of RR is 1) It works well in my Winxp, bu...
16 year 3 2950
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Hi there Is there any way to get the AVI Write Module to start automatically? I would like...
17 year 2 2562
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Scott found a possible bug. When we change the baud rate in the GUI for the Dimension Engineering Sabertooth you must fi...
17 year 2 2995
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Hello http://registration.roborealm.com page is st...
1 year 2 889
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Here are some sample images.  The images were taken without compression using 16mm lenses from two cameras sep...
18 year 1 3020

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