2D barcode
Pete from United States  [56 posts]
12 year
I was wondering if you are able to decode the attached 2d barcode image.  I see a selection in the Matching->barcode selection but the DataMatrix selection is greyed out.


Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year

Is that the resolution that you hope to use? Any chance you can use a higher resolution camera?

Pete from United States  [56 posts] 12 year
Hi Steve, I will have double check the image resolution sent.  What I have is a 5Meg camera with a image area of 2456x2058 pixels.  The area with the parts (30) on a plate is 4.3"x3.5".  Each of the 2D codes is 4x4mm (16x16dots).  Doing the math there is about 5.6 pixels per 2d code dot. This is the dot size when all 30 parts are in the image.  Would this be enough data to work with?

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year

Yes! That would work much better. The image posted above is 640x480 which I'm not sure if that's the original size or if the forum imager changed that size to something smaller. Can you try posting the much larger size or at least crop one of the data matrix codes from the larger image and post that here. Currently the above image's datamatrix code is not even detected since it is too small.

Pete from United States  [56 posts] 12 year
Hi Steven,
Here is a image of the actual parts at the actaul resolution, cropped to a coupled of parts.
Pete from United States  [56 posts] 12 year
Hi Steven,
Here is a image of the actual parts at the actaul resolution, cropped to a coupled of parts.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year

Sorry for the delay on this. We wanted to test additional samples and improve on the detection speed. The latest update has the DataMatrix option enabled and seems to work well on the samples you provided.

Please download 2.49.9 for this update and let us know if you come across any issues.

Pete from United States  [56 posts] 11 year
Hi Steven, it's been awhile but I have been able to confirm the DataMatrix option is working, thanks.  I still need to get more samples and do additional confirmation, but currently looks good.

I have a second question.  Is it possible to create a pipeline that just runs once.  Here is what I'm trying to do.  Either RoboRealm captures an image from a camera or reads image from a file.  The pipeline would perform 30 crop and datamatrix conversions, at the end write the 30 codes to a file and then have the program quit.  Is this possible?  I have searched through all the commands but have not been able to up with a solution.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

Yes this is possible but it depends on how you are running RoboRealm. If you are doing this via the API there are commands to stop RoboRealm. If you are running it from the GUI there isn't a way to exit RoboRealm automatically but you can avoid execution by surrounding the entire pipeline with the If_Statement module and stopping executing when some variable value is reached. It doesn't exit RR it just stops any processing from happening. Is there any issue in having RR stay running or do you really need it to exit?


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