5048 threads
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Its a bit complicated, it involves analysing an image and finding out where there are some marks. I need to automatically open t...
11 year 2 2866
Activate the "Train" button using VB6 + RR API
How can I activate the "Train" button using VB6 + RR API in the Shape_Match module?
14 year 3 3493
Activating the server check box
Hi all, I have downloaded the demo of robo form. I want to try using the API. The first step is to activate the ro...
12 year 7 3306
Activating the WebServer RoboRealm?
HI,    From the Webserver document,I get to know Roborealm can send live image over a TCP/IP network.I t...
16 year 2 2434
Active RR Web Server
Hey guys, I am running the active RR web server and viewing it using Firefox on ...
16 year 2 2804
ActiveX interface to RR
Hi, Is there a way of using ActiveX control for RR? I've done it for a number of applicati...
16 year 7 3040
I have just begun to explore this program and am trying to confirm that interfacing to machines that require say a 5 TTL or 12V ...
9 year 2 1719
Add an update button to RR
Have you ever considered adding an Update button to RR.  Its kind of a pain in the @55 to go back and find the origina...
13 year 2 2249
Add another vote for an OCR module...
Add one more vote for another OCR module - that would be a great mod (particularly if you can train it)... TJ...
16 year 1 2257
add Display_DateTime module to write_variable module
Hi Steven, I really like the Display_DateTime module. However, it doesn't appear in my Write_Variables module ava...
15 year 3 3361
Add grainy look to image
We emulate a dust storm on Mars and would like to add a grainy look to an image.  Something similar to doing the rever...
10 year 4 2509
adding center off range to joystick control
I am controlling an ROV with a USB Attack 3 Joystick to a Pololu Maestro controller.  I have good control of the slide...
13 year 4 4284
adding differences problem
Hello steven, i downloaded the latest version of RR. i seems to me that the Math module is not working compared with a old (free...
15 year 1 3730
Adding DVR
I purchased RoboRealm  without the DVR plugin. I am assuming that I can purchase and add the plugin to RoboRealm at a...
12 year 5 2277
Adding Waypoints From Blob
I Have basicly Copied the Path finding tutorial, making a few small changes like cropping the image and filtering different colo...
15 year 2 3572
Addition of SIFT module to Roborealm
Hi, We are working on the computer vision problem of category and object recognition. We have been...
15 year 2 2367
Advantech I/O board support
Hi, while searching for the most convinient way to control relays in my application I found these nice boards:
11 year 3 2061
Advice needed for analyzing 360-degree images
Hello, I have set up a 360-degree vision system on my robot and would like to use it to aid indoor...
16 year 1 2243
aerial imaging shape tracking
currenly im working on canset image viewing with is aerial images..i want to know..how can i detect a shape such a rectangular b...
15 year 4 4957
Ai Ball WiFi Camera
Steven, Do you think Roborealm supports this miniature Wifi camera called the Ai Ball below?
11 year 3 3959

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