2 rr crash questions
Richard from China  [10 posts]
16 year
I found several problem, the edition of RR is
1) It works well in my Winxp, but will crash in win2000, doesn’t it support win2000.
2) It’s about my .robo file. I use socket extension to communicate with my program and RR, but as you see, my robo file, when I use “set statement” it can send “fps” “COGX,COGY” and “grabstate” to my program,  but when I use vbscript to define variable, the variable can’t send to my program. Does it mean variable defined by vbscript can’t send through socket. I hope you can help me find a solution.
3) in fact, I’m going to use blob filter before as it is so useful, however when I use “create array variable”, it will cause my program and RR crashed. The attached image is obtained when I add the blob filter module.
Could you help me check the .robo and see if there is something wrong. I use the first a.robo well with my program.

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