virtual webcam output charlie from United Kingdom [9 posts] |
18 year
i was wondering if you could possibly implement a sort of software webcam, so that the final video is outputted into the virtual webcam. (kind of like the quickcam sdk*) this would be handy for showing other people what roborealm can do through IM programs like msn. (by sending them the final image (or images from markers))) )) )
(i like teh brackets)
Anonymous |
18 year
Thanks for the idea. We agree that it would be a nice feature to have in that many applications including the IM apps do not provide for alternative video sources. Creating RoboRealm as such a video source would be a nice idea.
This has been added to the feature list. We'll have to do some research on this one as it deals with very low level Windows drivers.
Anonymous |
17 year
This is a great idea. I was wondering if there has been any movement on this functionality. The idea of RoboRealm being able to create a virtual video source for its output that other video apps could see as a webcam would be great. There is another free program that does something similair called 'manycam'. It allows more than one video app to share a video source. However, it also has the capability of modifying or doing overlays of text and graphics onto the video stream passing through it. If a module or driver like that could be developed for RoboRealm, that would be awesome. There are some apps I would like to experiment with sending RR's video output to.
Anonymous |
17 year
This functionality has now been launched. Please see ver that includes the needed files to create the RoboRealm VCam driver. See
for more information about setting up and using the virtual camera.
MediaMan [3 posts] |
17 year
You guys Rock! Thanks for the addition of the VCam driver. It works great.
Now if only I can get RoboRealm to operate the pan/tilt on my new Logitech Orbit AF ......
Fantastic job on the video passthru.
VCAM Size muhneer from Netherlands [1 posts] |
17 year
This works great, but if i for example create a mosaic of 4 webcames. Where each camera has a width of 320 pixels and thus the total is 640 pixels wide the output of VCAM remains 320. Is this adjustable ?
Anonymous |
17 year
Yes, it is adjustable but that will depend on the program you are using to view the VCam. For example, if you are using AmCap you can select the Options->Video Capture Pin and then select the Output Size to 640x480. Note this is WITHIN AmCap and NOT RoboRealm. The size should then change to 640x480.
Anonymous |
17 year
I install everything as the tuturial sayd but i still get a black image on AmCap, msn etc. Im using Vista Ultimate, anyone else as the same problem?
Anonymous |
17 year
I have the same problem with Vista Ultimate. I thought it was a problem with the version of Yawcam I was running of the virtual webcam so I removed that and reinstalled the old version and still had the black screen.
I'm also getting the odd crash or two when closing RR as well.
Anonymous |
17 year
I assume that you do not get any errors from RoboRealm when switching on the VCam? And you also do not get any system error messages that indicate the VCam driver is not working? Is this correct?
If so, and you are using Vista Ultimate, then it is most likely a permission issue. Can you try running RoboRealm as Admin (right click on RoboRealm.exe and select "Run as Administrator") and see if that helps the issue.
Also be sure to have rebooted after installing the VCam ... sometimes that helps.
Note that VCam does run under Vista ... unfortunately we do not have direct access to Vista Ultimate so we cannot test our theories directly.
Let us know if that helps at all.
VCam Anonymous |
17 year
Hi STeven,
Well I tried RoboRealm running as Administrator and using YAWCAM as the sink for the VCam feed. I got a black screen because it was looking for normal webcam. I tried changing it to VCam but YAWCAM just crashed. I changed the properties on YAWCAM to run as Administrator as well, well marginal success. It doesn't crash anymore, but it does still display a black screen. However, it does work well on my old PC at work running W2K so I suppose I can't have everything.
Anonymous |
17 year
It should be possible to run it on Vista Ultimate but we will have to get a system that exhibits those issues. Give us a couple weeks and we should be able to get it to work on Vista Ultimate.
Does anyone else have issues with other versions of Vista? We believe that it at least works on Vista Home edition.
charlie from United Kingdom [9 posts] |
17 year
i have vista home premium, but its a bit (allot) unstable (rubbish) at the moment (all the time)
i suppose i could resurrect it temporally... (i'm downgrading soon)
Anonymous |
17 year
That's definately a solution ... we know if runs under Win2K and WinXP quite nicely :-)
charlie from United Kingdom [9 posts] |
17 year
i was referring to vista in general...
VC and Vista VorlonKen [9 posts] |
17 year
Ignoring Vista is a bit of a cop out. VCam used to work with it and now it doesn't so somewhere along the line something has gone a little off track.
Anonymous |
17 year
The VCam still does work with Vista Home Edition. The issue we have appears to be with Vista Ultimate. As we don't yet have this version of the OS we cannot test it for security restrictions which are most likely the cause of the VCam not working.
VCam VorlonKen [9 posts] |
17 year
Hi STeve,
When I get the chance I'm going to try and do some variations on my RoboRealm and VCam installations and permissions and see what happens.
Sorry to sound so down I really love RoboRealm and it's a pain not being able to use all it's features at home. Yes I admit I am a bit of a martyr to Vista and bending over backwards to get some drivers to work with it, but in some ways it's fun having the challenge.
By the way I'm thinking of putting the DC car on my Christmas list thanks to you.
Keep up the good work!!!!
Anonymous |
17 year
That would be great! We will be doing the same thing but will not have access to Vista Ultimate for a couple more weeks. I'm sure with all this testing we should be able to get something to work.
Let us know if you find anything as we can also work with you to create a debug version of the VCam/RR to see where it is going wrong.
Anonymous |
17 year
Download the latest version of RR and reinstall the VCam (use the included RoboRealm.inf and .sys files). We've updated the system to be better supported in Vista. Turns out it was a security issue that required us to rename some internal shared memory of the VCam that would have required running RR as an admin.
Despite the details, have a look and see if it now functions better on your home PC.
Whooppee!! VorlonKen from United Kingdom [7 posts] |
17 year
Hi STeven,
It worked first time. Thanks for the early Christmas present.
I'd like to wish all who work on and with RoboRealm a very Merry Christmas and a fun filled, Happy New Year.