Startup Troubles
sharat from India  [14 posts]
17 year
Hi, I have made a robot using Roborealm, and saved the file that I require as a .robo file. Now when I startup the computer and use the .robo file in the startup menu, roborealm starts but without loading the .robo file,also the marker option, when used at startup, chnges the camera selected. I amusing two webcams.
Anonymous 17 year
Do you find that you get the same reaction when exiting and restarting
RoboRealm with the program loaded? Or is this just when the computer is starting?

Instead of specifying the .robo file try just running RoboRealm.exe directly. It always loads in the last program used which might work in your case.

Note that the camera to use is NOT saved along with the .robo file. It will always be the last camera used by RoboRealm. I assume that you'd like this to be saved in the .robo file? If so, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

sharat from India  [14 posts] 17 year
Thanks for the reply, When starting roborealm after windows through the startup menu, it loads the last program used, but the problem was that sometimes the webcams that I had set were not selected, or wrongly selected, which then required that I reset the entire program before using roborealm, which in turn meant that I always had to tweak roborealm whenever I started the computer. I did not know that the camera to use, which I had selected by the left and right marker is not saved in the .robo file. As rightly assumed by you, that is the problem.It is most preferable that the selected camera stays in the .robo file, and if roborealm is unable to find any of the two camera's, it gives an error message, at which point the computer can simply be restarted, until both webcams are detected correctly, instead of having to analyse the entire .robo program. Thanks once again.
Anonymous 17 year

We were unaware that you were using the marker module for this capability. The marker module DOES save the webcam used in the .robo file. We were referring to just using the default camera without selecting it's name in a marker module but just using the options->video dialog to select the appropriate camera.

From your description it sounds like RR is running too quickly and not finding the cameras on startup and thus causing an error. What you might try to do is to delay the startup of RR for a couple seconds (like 20) after system startup to ensure that all USB devices have a chance to setup and register with the OS. This can be done manually at first and if successful a delay using a batch file and something from http://malektips.com/xp_dos_0002.html

sharat from India  [14 posts] 17 year
Thanks, will try that and inform
sharat from India  [14 posts] 17 year
Hi, have tried running after delay, but the system is still very unstable, the values in write variable change from



Cog_x:Cog_y: - with some unknown character in place of the Semi colon, and instead of replacing the variables, it keeps on adding variables, until space in the drive is finished. also if an error is made, which leads to a system crash, it is repeated every time roborealm is started. I feel that it would be much better if roborealm loads a .robo file, from startup or link, instead of loading the last used file. Please inform your take on that. Thanks a ton.
sharat from India  [14 posts] 17 year
Still having the same troubles, the system is very unstable and gives repeted errors and computer crashes, if any of the camera's fails to start up properly.
Anonymous 17 year

Can you include your robofile that you are using? That may help us replicate the issues you are having.

We like the idea of suggesting a startup robofile instead instead of loading the last used file. We'll add that option shortly.

sharat from India  [14 posts] 17 year
i am attaching the robo file.
Anonymous 17 year

We made some additions that should help with this issue. Have a look at


and then download the latest version. Hopefully the new startup options should help with your instability. Let us know how it goes.

Anonymous 17 year
Thanks a lot, will try this version and inform you.

Anonymous 17 year
I have tried the changes, thanks a lot, though the system is still a bit unstable, one of the camera just hung after about 15 min. of usage with two webcams and RR on. I would also like to know if you can provide a shareware version/commercial version which only has the modules I am using.

Anonymous 17 year

What cameras are you using? It is possible that there is a memory leak that after 15 min causes issues. This may or may not be a RR issue. If we know the brand of camera we can try to replicate the situation and see if we see the same stability issues.

does this happen when only one camera is running? I.e. just config your two cameras to use one for testing. Use the camera that caused a crash. Does it still run after 15 min?

Anonymous 17 year
Thanks, will try and inform
Anonymous 17 year
Now using the latest version of RR, one of the camera's, (both camera's are "Creative Webcam Vista")  got hung, on further trials I found that this generally happened when the Processor was showing 100% usage. RR shows two camera's which are named by the system as "Webcam Vista #2" and "Webcam Vista #4" but when I select both #2 and #4 using the "marker" applet, one of the camera's does not work, to make it work I have to select " Webcam Vista #2" and "Webcam Vista (VFW)", so after 100% processor usage, generally VFW hangs, after restarting RR, it asks for camera source, since it shows only #2 and #4, not VFW, I have to select #4, which does not work- after 3/4 times and after I have cancelled this menu, it eventually disappears, and I can then select VFW from the option in the "marker" applet.

Anonymous 17 year

Give ver a try. We detected and issue when using the markers to capture an image when no live default camera is used. The first marker was assuming the image was already captured which will not be always the case. See if this latest version has a different behavior.

Anonymous 17 year
The Kiosk mode is just perfect, Thanks, I have brought the new computer which is the latest dual core with 512 mb Ram etc. I downloaded ver. and am running that on the above computer with two Creative WebCam Vista, but the same issues persist, only one of the camera's start using the marker module, the camera fails to start in roborealm, which gives an error message "webcam Vista #2 not connected" or "Err:Render_stream",Though using another webcam application I was able to view video from both the camera's one by one, (I did not try simultaneouly as none of my webcam applications have the option of multiple cameras). I then changed one of the camera's to Icatch Webcam, after which the marker modules and roborealm ran perfectly for about 10 minutes, after which both of the camera's hanged.
Anonymous 17 year

We went out and got two really cheap identical cameras with the hope that they would cause a similar issue. We found a couple problems and have fixed them in the most recent version Can you download and see if that makes a difference?

If you also still have the 10 minute issue (which is probably not related to the camera issue) can you include your most recent robofile and we will try to run it for just as long to see if we can replicate the issue.

Anonymous 17 year
The same problem persists in also, RR does not detect the second camera, on startup the message "select video source" appears until the error that the camera is not avaliable comes up. I have downloaded a 3d camera driver, much like your mosaic module, but that works very fine with respect to recognising the webcams, but since the output is a single image side by side, it cannot be used to find the COG of the two images.  I am attaching this software.

Anonymous 17 year

We are unable to replicate your error. Can you include the robofile that you are using so that we can test against what you are running? Can you also confirm the following questions:

1. With no pipeline RR can recognize each camera when set using the options->video dropdown menu. Is this correct?

2. When the default camera button is on and set to one of the cameras with a single marker in the pipeline then the marker does not recognize the second camera? Or is the marker set to the same image? If this works toggling the Run button should switch between the two images. Do you see this behaviour too?

3. Or are the problems only when you exit and restart RR? Namely, when you first setup this configuration it is fine until you exit the program.

4. Can you send us a screenshot of the error that you are seeing with the RoboRealm application running in the background? That will help us better get a sense of what the error is about or what other settings you are using.

Anonymous 17 year

I am trying to configure RR on the new computer and:

1. This time when I see the camera list in the options menu I can see both Webcam vista and Webcam Vista #2, but only webcam Vista #2 works, on selecting Webcam Vista, though the name of the selection changes to "Webcam Vista" but the image displayed remains that of #2. This is without any pipeline.

2. With any pipeline or the marker module - when I try to select Webcam Vista for the marker, with #2 being the default webcam, the select video source window appears, on selecting Webcam vista, RR displays a black image after which the video source window appears again, on selecting "Webcam vista" once again an error window about "Webcam vista" not avaliable appears, and it asks for a black screen to be displayed.

3. This problem is irrespective of the start/end of the program.

4. The images and the webcams work fine when i select "hytek 3d webcam" which shows the display of the two camera's side by side also, as in the mosaic module. (I have sent this software as an attachment to e-mail sent to steven).

Thanks a lot
Anonymous 17 year

#4. Can you take a screenshot of the video dropdown list (with it dropped down showing the Webcam #2 etc.) with RR running in the background and post it here?


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