RE - center mouse (arcade gun)
Rustlabs from Australia  [1 posts]
17 year
hey everyone,
i am in need of a bit of help. i have been working on an arcade style FPS gun for computer games. and i have run into a bit of a problem. i have been using the attached .robo file which works perfectly as far as mouse tracking goes but when using it in computer games it seems that the "mouse" needs to be re-centered with every movement; or it just continues in the same direction. the program follows a blue LED and hasn't been getting much interference from its used environment. i guess what i need is a way of making the mouse re-center after each movement but im not entirely sure how to do that or how i could let it know when the movement has ceased. I am not entirely sure this is the best way to solve the problem, but from a bit of testing it seems to be the most effective so far..

any suggestions or anything would be very helpful

here is the link to my instructable of the "arcade gun":

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