Execute program
Puvan from Malaysia  [10 posts]
17 year
dear Mr Steven,
1) As u told me i create an exe file in Q-Basic and save it in desktop......and when i double click it i can see a program like ms-dos window open and in the same time the stepper motor runs as i programmed in Q-Basic...
But when i open the exe file in roborealm......the ms-dos(Q-basic exe)..open and just blinking so many times and it doesnt start or rotates the stepper motor...how do i settle this problem.....
hope u will help me...coz i have to submit my project by this week...

2) The robo file is for red object....and i have to the same for blue object and green object.....so....for each colour got an Q-basic file....how do i make roborealm jumo loops...this means when i put red object it should run the Q-basic program file set  for the red...otherwise no.....and then when i put the blue it should jump to run the exe file set for blue...and when green it should run the exe file set for the green...the object here is a small object.....

3) And how do i send signal from my sensor to the exe file that is running in roborealm...........i have to input three sensor to control the dc motor..

hope sir will help me to settle this problem and i really appreaciate if sir  do
a robo file for each problem above...in a separate robo file......coz i get confuse if all are in one robo file...hope sir will understand...
here i send one of my robo file to run the exe file and also the exe file

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