5053 threads
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Geometric Statistics Problem
Hi Steven and Prof Mason,     Thanks for ur help in my last post about marker p...
16 year 3 4034
Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Webcam
I have the Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Webcam and the RoboRealm software does not seem to recognize the camera.  ...
18 year 3 4022
Feature Request - GUI slider?
Any plans to add a "slider" type GUI element (for adjusting variable values, etc.)?...
15 year 4 4018
Stereo vision on an old laptop
It seems stereo vision based autonomous navigation is possible even on a simple old laptop. ...
16 year 8 4016
USB Missle Launcher
I do have a number of webcams around but was interested in the one that Roboreal uses. Mostly because of...
16 year 5 4013
Separating the object or pores
Hello, I am working to characterize a porous media and I want to identify each pore (object) indivi...
13 year 7 4012
"Mouse" example not working
Hey there, I recently downloaded RoboRealm 2.37, and I was trying to use the "Mouse_example1" pro...
13 year 5 4012
General Guidance on Design
I am starting on a project using an iRobot Create, a Fit PC Lite, i2c sensors, and a web cam. The Fit PC will run all the softwa...
15 year 19 4008
Tracking an object using AVM
Hi, I programmed RR to loop a video file (avi) and AVM to track an object. I set the variable NV_WR...
11 year 14 4006
Pothole detect
Hi, Mr. Steven. Can you give me example to detect pothole and crack size? Roborealm is very new to me and it would be awesome if...
9 year 11 4001
serial communication code
I am trying to control a Pelco D protocol PTZ camera using rs-232 to 485 convertor and the serial module found in roborealm.
10 year 4 3999
Compass reading
Howdy= Im a beginner and could use a little help. I would like to read the compass heading from a compass. The camera and compas...
16 year 4 3996
Load image problem
Hi! I have many images, in which i need define an angle between two points (blobs) images and .robo...
12 year 7 3993
IDE for VBScript? Anything But Notepad?!
Does anyone know of a good IDE for VBScript? I couldn't find one in a few minutes of Googling, an...
16 year 4 3987
fire fighting robot
Hi guys I would like to say that this software is just fantastic.I would like to thank all those who direc...
18 year 2 3981
Optical Flow Module hanging RoboRealm 2.14.1
Hi STeven, I'm getting consistent locking up in RR 2.14.1 when using the Optical_Flow module. ...
15 year 5 3979
Hi everybody, I'm trying to connect Wifibot (http://www.net-rob.com/page3.php) to Roborealm .The general idea is follow curtain...
14 year 13 3976
Real-time image enhancement with RR?
This might be a bit off topic, but I was wondering if RoboRealm might be used for something like "real-time image enhancement"...
15 year 3 3970
gamepad support
I'm using a Logitech Precision game pad for the control for my USB Missile launcher. The problem is that  the RoboRea...
16 year 5 3967
Training object background
Hello I found this sentence in documentation: "Note, it is always best just to include the object to be identifie...
12 year 6 3965

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