5053 threads
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Tracking 3 colors
I want to track a shirt that I made with 3 distinct colors on it. Red, Blue, and green. You helped me with this about a year ago...
14 year 7 3883
Roomba distance
Hello, there is some variable like "distance" ,or "request velocity" in the roomba module, can you explain how to use it ple...
13 year 2 3883
Running Roborealm
This is very basic, but i am stuck. I downloaded the current version a couple of days ago a...
18 year 12 3878
Tracking people by clothing
Am experimenting with tracking people by clothing. This seems fairly simple if the person is wearing something with solid bright...
9 year 3 3876
Hi, I am trying to get Roborealm  to communicate to Mach3  running on the same computer(passin...
10 year 17 3876
Multiple SSC-32 modules in
I’m currently working on a project that would require 100+ servos (a lot I know!!!) and was wondering if it was possible to use...
13 year 4 3875
Fatubu servo values?
Is it possible to adjust the "Parallax Control" module to have 750-1250, with 250=center values.  The values seems t...
13 year 2 3874
equipment recommendations for people tracking
I have an application where I want to run an overhead tracker for people running around below on a soccer pitch. I...
16 year 12 3872
Need help sending data from SEI Explorer to RR
I am using a digital encoder from US Digital and their SEI Explorer software to measure the x,y movement of my camera mounted on...
15 year 4 3870
Low Framerate
Hi Guys, I just upgraded from Version 2.26.3 to 2.28.1. I am running the same .robo file on all versions, but my f...
14 year 11 3868
Write AVI bug(?) and question
Hi, I have two questions about Write AVI module. 1. I’d like to ask yo...
12 year 4 3858
adding differences problem
Hello steven, i downloaded the latest version of RR. i seems to me that the Math module is not working compared with a old (free...
15 year 1 3856
Where is the hot pixel filter (salt&pepper) ?
CCD's show "dark current" noise with longer exposures when warm, which shows up as isolated bright "hot pixels". In...
17 year 6 3856
Propeller Servo Controller USB
is there someone who can confirm that this, Propeller Servo Controller USB is compatible with roborealm?
13 year 3 3853
Openni_Kinect Module
Hello All,              We recently purchased robo re...
12 year 7 3853
Stereo Depth Mapping
I've been doing more and more research trying to find the best alternative to Stereo depth mapping. I've come across a couple...
12 year 14 3852
RTSP video image in RoboRealm
Hello, I am developing an autonomous mode for the FRC off-season that would have vision targeting u...
11 year 5 3851
Cluster Analysis
>> From ...
18 year 2 3847
Multiple Processing
Hello. I am doing a project with 2 separate camera. Using Mosiac function I can view images, but I need to do sepa...
15 year 6 3847
Dear Sir, I use the SRV1 blackfin with two servos connected to TMR6 and TMR7. Using PicoC compiler I...
14 year 1 3846

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