Anonymous 18 year
Hi, when i read the turorial to orienting the lego roverbot, in the page 4, i don´t known when put the VBscript.

I copy the text of the program but i don´t known the program to paste and download to RCX.

Where is the program???


Pd: Sorry for my bad bad english, i´m spanish
VBScript Module
18 year
Hi Rabeliyo,

There is NO program to download to the RCX. RoboRealm will use the direct command mode already present in the firmware that comes with the RCX. Just be sure that the firmware is present and RoboRealm should be able to communicate to the RCX. Note that in order for RoboRealm to communicate to the RCX USB or serial IR Tower you will need the Phantom dll. See the modules documentation for where to download this dll (Note this is different than the Fantom dll used by the Lego NXT).

The VBScript program that is used in the tutorial is executed by RoboRealm on your PC and needs to be linked into the VBScript module (it requires a vbs file to run) before the program will execute correctly.

Let us know if you need any additional clarification.


Anonymous 18 year
Thanks STeven.

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