5053 threads
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COG_BOX_SIZE = 0 when box display = 100%
I just noticed a bug in RR 2.14.15.  If you use the COG module and set the displayed box size to 100%, then the COG_BO...
15 year 3 3928
Arduiino module problem
I'm trying to do a  basic program where I use the Arduino module to control 2 motors (forward and back) and a tilt on...
12 year 12 3921
Array Help
In the VBScript section I retrieved the array that was created by the circles filter, but i am stuck on how to find out...
17 year 19 3917
Fiducial Orientation.
Hi, We are testing RR (v 2.50.31) for fiducial recognition and we have a problem with the Orientati...
11 year 5 3916
Failing to pause pipeline after waiting 10 seconds...
Hi, I have written a c# application that is based on the c# sample app that uses sockets to communi...
10 year 7 3916
Arduino Motor Control
Hi, I am working on object tracking, similar to the tutorial Color tracking! But the code written there is for non arduino board...
9 year 12 3913
web control of usb missile lancher
what would be involved in getting the usb missile launcher to be controlled from a web page remotely.  
18 year 4 3912
Path_Orientation issue
Hello, One simple question. In the Path Planing tutorial I am bit confused with the Plan_Orientatio...
15 year 6 3910
Hi. I am using the SRV - 1B for my project and I need to detection of visual markers. The deal with the visual markers is each o...
16 year 2 3910
Any recommendations for wireless webcams?
Hi, Firstly, apologies for the newbie question, I'm very new to RoboRealm and have never u...
17 year 5 3908
defect detection
can you tell me how to find defect in component using rooborealm?   say a assembled product is coming in conveyor belt...
16 year 2 3906
Display Serial Data
Hi, I have serial data displayed but it flashes on and off at the at the serial data refresh rate. I...
10 year 5 3905
Xbee with Arduino
Harold, Would you be willing to share your robo setup using the Xbee, Arduino and joystick....
12 year 10 3903
Sparkfun-Arduino servo control not working
Hi I just downloaded roborealm and am having trouble interfacing to an arduino board. I simply want...
11 year 4 3892
No Title
Will this SSC controller http://roborealm.com/help/SSC.php
18 year 2 3889
Mindstorm project
  I have to program a robot for my final year project. I am using the Nxt kit and with a camera. I will not be...
17 year 9 3888
time module
hi! RR havnt a a time module! it show time  of ruuning commands,but it can not show time o...
16 year 4 3886
Barcode decode anomaly
Hi STeven, I'm seeing something when using the barcode decode module.  What I have is an...
10 year 15 3886
Bug in Path Planning
Hi Steven, There seems to be a bug in the path planning module. If I use the path planning tutorial...
15 year 7 3884
Combine 2 different pipeline
Hi, I have 2 different pipeline for different detection characteristics which is:
9 year 18 3884

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