Fiducial Orientation. Daniel Garcia from Spain [3 posts] |
11 year
We are testing RR (v 2.50.31) for fiducial recognition and we have a problem with the Orientation:
In the range 180º - 270º the returned angle is erroneous; in the remainder of the range the angle is good.
We attach images with the error and the original fiducial image.
Please, can you tell us anything?
Thank you very much.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
11 year
Could you include a couple of the same images but without any text/green outline? Your images seem a little blurred/saturated and we'd like the original image to test a couple of the angles.
Daniel Garcia from Spain [3 posts] |
11 year
Hi Steven,
Please, see the new images attached. In this case, also the range 90º-180º give us an erroneous orientation.
Thank you for your help.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
11 year
Thanks for the source images. Turns out there was a problem with the size of the images. Before recognition, the bounds are expanded to encompass some of the white area around the fiducial. Because the fiducials are so close to the image borders the matching was not working correctly which was causing the orientation to be off.
We've made a fix and updated the application. If you can download the latest version you should get better results on the orientation and confidence.
Daniel Garcia from Spain [3 posts] |
11 year
Thank you very much.