Path_Orientation issue
Dario Mirkovski from Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic  [20 posts]
15 year

One simple question. In the Path Planing tutorial I am bit confused with the Plan_Orientation module.

Is this generated after we fill the required data or is static? If it is not, how do i calculate that and what actually means? I read the documentation but could not answer my question.

Thank you in advance.

Anonymous 15 year

I assume you mean the Path_Planning module as apposed to the Plan_Orientation module ... which doesn't exist.

Yes, the path is generated once you configure that module correctly with the main info being the orientation to move in order to stick to the currently viewed plan. Note that the plan is generated on each new image at many frames a second ... so yes, it is very dynamic and maybe not needed to perform on each frame (assuming your environment is static) but it is a fairly quick computation for most projects. Thus if anything changes in your environment then the path changes immediately.

Have a look at


to see an implementation of this ... or a few others


Dario Mirkovski from Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic  [20 posts] 15 year

Thank you for the fast replies.

However, I have the problem of getting the orientation of the robot. I follow the path_planning tutorial and when i get the variable the robot orientation as the angle from the statistics it retures value of 1,2 and maybe 3? Is this correct? Should not i get the value of the angle which is far greater?

Thank you again.

Anonymous 15 year

Are you not looking at the PLAN_ORIENTATION variable? Or are you using the statistics module to get orientation? Perhaps you can include your robofile and sample maze image such that we can better understand what you are doing. Something doesn't sound right....

Dario Mirkovski from Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic  [20 posts] 15 year

I managed to fix the issue. However, I was wondering how does the Plan_orientation variable work? What assumptions and to what accordingly the variable is produced? Because, it does mater where the starting and the finishing point are located.

Thank you again.

Anonymous 15 year

The Path_Orientation variable is defined to the that orientation that you should align the robot to in order to take the next step in the path to the destination as defined by the path planning module. As the path to the destination will take many turns that may change during the course of the journey we only provide the one immediate direction that the robot should align to. Once this is done the robot should move forward until the orientation once again tells it to turn. Thus by following this variable the robot should end up at the correct destination.

Based on that question I'm not sure you understand what the path_planning module actually does. Perhaps you could include your robofile in future such that we may better understand where you are getting confused.


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