5053 threads
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Robot Soccer
m Having a single robot , a ball and a goal post in an arena. Camera is mounted on the top which gives the live fe...
14 year 5 3746
Measuring Objects
Gentlemen, Which is the best way to measure an object in Roborealm. For example I would like...
13 year 4 3744
how can i do for serial communication
I don have interface like SSC, Lego, only PIC...
18 year 4 3742
Button Control of servo
Hello All, fairly new to all this so my apologies if this is extremely obvious.... But how the heck do you control a servo with...
13 year 2 3740
Mouse module
I would like to use the mouse to track the motion of the surface below it. The idea is to continualy acquire the mouse position....
15 year 5 3739
is it possible to execute a ms-dos batch file (*.bat) from roborealm?  ...
15 year 3 3738
iRobot Create Module Problem
I am working with the API to control my Create using the module. Here is a snippet from the .robo file:
15 year 3 3735
Xtion shows artifact in line mode
I have an Xtion Pro Live running in roborealm 320x240, line mode with the max min set at 61, 59. No matter where t...
11 year 5 3735
Robotics Connection Serializer V3 Servo Problem
Connected a couple of Hitec servos to the Robotics Connection Serializer V3 board (may be a similar issue to V2 of the same boar...
14 year 2 3735
Memory usage increases over time
Hi, I've found that running a program in Roborealm over an extended period - 1-2 weeks - will resu...
13 year 3 3727
Road or path detection
My robot will use gps to drive to a certain location. Now i want it to recognize roads and paths/sidewalks. So that he doesn't...
14 year 2 3727
using the listen module in conjunction with other variables
Steven       I am not proficiant at vbs.  But I have been able to tweek y...
15 year 2 3725
Md49 integration and linux
I've been using and supporting Roborealm since version 1. Couple of time I asked for a couple of f...
11 year 2 3724
Sign Recognition
Hi. I have developed a mobile robot which follows line marked on the floor, basically line following robot using RR. I would lik...
13 year 3 3719
Geometric Statistics problem with Crop Module
Hi STeven, I'm using the latest and greatest RR and I think there may be a bug when the Ge...
15 year 3 3716
Tracking Black Objects
I am trying to track a black, velcro covered disc, similar to a hockey puck. I was going to use pseudo-color to change black to ...
11 year 4 3706
Zmodo Cameras
STeven, For my wired to my router FOSCAM camera I successfully use the URL you suggested:
8 year 5 3706
ASUS Xtion
FYI - Some more hardware for RoboRealm to support. Asus is soon coming out with a Kinect like device with a C++, C# development...
14 year 2 3706
I'm working on a project aiming to simulate a horse's vision. What I wanna do so far is to remove red color. Waiting for reply...
15 year 4 3704
Joystick to Sabertooth
I am using the Joystick module and the Sabertooth module.  I need to scale down the Joystick movements from (-1000 to...
13 year 3 3704

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