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Cluster Analysis
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18 year 2 3842
No Title
So I have been slowly working through the propeller labs.  Taking a small baby step, I am trying to get robore...
17 year 2 3838
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle
Hello, how does it works the plugin dectection of obstacle in the avm navigator  used within the navigation by map, i...
13 year 7 3836
Motion Detection
Can RR do motion detection? I've been using RR for several weeks - it's awesome! &nb...
17 year 2 3835
API Crash (Python)
Hello, I’m trying to use the Python API.  I’m trying to get the test progr...
15 year 9 3834
Keyboad send
Hello, I´m sending caps lock. But how can i send it only once? At the moment it is going on and off,...
16 year 2 3834
Webcam Control Tutorial files don't work for Presets or Auto Pan
I have downloaded the move_orbit.robo file, have it running, and I'm using the default web server and the Logitech Orbit camera...
14 year 6 3833
Unseening camera
I have been testing several cameras to test sensitivity to several wave lengths of lasers.  So I have had to switch my...
14 year 5 3832
Motion tracking Turet
Alright so i am trying to build a motion tracking turret. But unlike the ones that are posted i am trying to make one that will...
16 year 4 3829
Circle Tracking and Alignment Check
hi everyone, i'm working on a system to check in real-time the alignment of a small circle within...
13 year 3 3828
Processing a subset of a picture
So I have figured out how to spot a laser point, but I need to caculate the center of a pixel down to the subpixel range. &...
14 year 4 3826
hi you roboguys, i've tried out the new keyboard module today and found a strange behaviou...
18 year 6 3825
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed
Well I’ve gotten this far with my Robo Magellan project: ...
11 year 17 3825
Roborealm to read an analog meter
STeven,   It was great talking with you at the MiniMaker Fair yesterday!  Here are some sample...
14 year 3 3816
Serial Communication Arduino Uno
Hi, good days. im unable to perform serial communication to arduino. i attach robo file and arduino source code for your referen...
8 year 5 3812
AVM Marker Mode not creating map
Avm Marker mode is not creating map. It only works after computer restart. What could be wrong?...
13 year 2 3810
VBscript Com port communication
I'm trying to output some data to a usb relay (USB-RLY02). The only information the datasheet has is:
12 year 2 3808
surveyor SRV
Hi Guys, Im doing a new project with surveyor SRV(carmera only). In this project, I will set the ca...
15 year 4 3808
DLink DCS-6620 cam
Hi Steven: I just received a DCS-6620 IP camera to use with RR 2.15.2, but am having some trouble with the DLink_I...
15 year 6 3807
PPM files
I'm going by your C# example. I created a project and a form with 2 buttons. The first button does
18 year 0 3803

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