gamepad support troymacdonald from United States [3 posts] |
15 year
I'm using a Logitech Precision game pad for the control for my USB Missile launcher. The problem is that the RoboRealm software, while at first read the gamepad just fine, no longer registers the movement or buttons. I ran a test on Windows to make sure that Windows read it and the diagnostic/calibration there read all the buttons and movement. The drop down box in RoboRealm shows the Logitech Precision Gamepad, but nothing else registers. Any one have any ideas?
Anonymous |
15 year
Did anything change between when things first worked with RR and then not? Did you update RR or any drivers in your computer?
I assume you have tried a full reboot.
Also double check the joystick GUI in that the GUI is not showing any changes based on the joystick too (i.e. buttons going green, dials changing, etc.) ... just in case it is the USB Missile launcher that has stopped working as apposed to the joystick.
troymacdonald from United States [3 posts] |
15 year
Nothing changed. When I first plugged in the gamepad, by itself just to make sure that RR would read it, the movement controls and buttons all registered. Then I unplugged it, did some other moding to my missile launcher. When I was ready to give the VB script a test run, I first wanted to re-test all the individual components. It was here that I found the gamepad wasn't responding - again, all by its lonesome. The missile launcher controls on RR work fine with my mouse, and the camera I hooked up to it also is recognized and read by RR. It is just the gamepad now that isn't working.*sigh*
Anonymous |
15 year
Try this:
1. Verify that the joystick is actually working by testing it on another known application that uses the joystick that you have used before.
2. Start roborealm.exe while holding down the CTRL key which starts it in a default mode. Then immediately add the joystick module and see if it then works. This should mimic when you first ran the application.
troymacdonald from United States [3 posts] |
15 year
I've put the joystick part of the project on hold for right now until I get a DC voltage booster built to increase the 4.5v usb signal for the "fire" button to 6 volts. My goal is to be able to launch model rockets from it rather than the foam rockets.