5053 threads
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Feature Request - Nubotics Wheel Commander
Hi, It is my request that an interface to the Nubotics Wheel Commander WC-132 be please introduced....
15 year 4 4422
Accessing COG Variables Through MSRS
I'm trying to create a simple ball following program in Microsoft Robotics Studio using a Lego NXT in conjunction with...
17 year 17 4421
Iris recognition
I want to detect the inner circle i.e. the pupil boundary and the iris boundary with the center and radius of the 2 circles. Can...
16 year 2 4421
Multiple Variables Request
Hi Can you outline the format of a single request for multiple variables? I would like to ge...
18 year 4 4413
read the distance among two colors
hi, I write you from Italy, I apologize me of my a little clear English. Would I like to know if it is possible t...
12 year 15 4411
Seam tracking
Dear Steven I am enclosing a jpg. I need to find the co-ordinates of the point of intersection between the laser l...
15 year 4 4406
Tiff Format Issue
The image files are not going through.  Is there an email I could send samples to.
18 year 6 4401
pololu servo control via xbee
Hi, I have been using roborealm for controlling my pololu maestro 6 servo controller via a joystick  and it works fine...
11 year 11 4401
I am trying the URG hokuyo example with my model UTM30LX. Everything seems to go nice except the visualization. The laser connec...
14 year 3 4390
RoboRealm and MSRS 1.5 VPL
Hi, I am a newbie to RoboRealm and I saw the guidelines for connecting RoboRealm with MSRS...
17 year 8 4388
Lynxmotion SSC control feedback
Is it possible to get servo position feedback, so that one could know if the move has been completed and what position i...
16 year 7 4387
Crop and Scale modules don't change IMAGE_WIDTH variable
Hi STeven, Using RR version 2.5.9, I noticed that when I Crop a 320x240 image to a lesser width, sa...
15 year 11 4377
CCD camera and 4 channel Usb DVR
Hello everybody, I seen this program on the internet and thought I would give it a shot.
14 year 4 4374
training images
hi, i tried to train a simple image from a folder but roborealm closes when i start training... what is the soluti...
13 year 18 4370
ssc control
I'm having trouble with the latest version of Roborealm connecting to my ssc II servo board......it works fine on the v...
18 year 3 4362
adding center off range to joystick control
I am controlling an ROV with a USB Attack 3 Joystick to a Pololu Maestro controller.  I have good control of the slide...
13 year 4 4360
color recognition
Hi I have three types color of cars which are green, red, and blue. I want to recognize them with only color. Came...
12 year 7 4357
FTP upload Frequency issue
I'm setting the Frequency section of FTP Images. The Send Every and Between seem to have issues. Wh...
16 year 13 4354
C# questions
I can start the camera and set up a green filter using rr.execute("<head><version>1.50</ve...
17 year 10 4345
Manipulating Probes (Line probe)
Hello, I would programmatically use the edge probe to check the alignment of a blob/object. &n...
15 year 3 4335

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