5048 threads
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Dream Cheeky USB Missle Launcher Help!!!
Ok So im working on the tutorial for the usb missle launcher and ran into a problem. If i use the set variable command or try th...
15 year 2 4589
Newbie question
Hello all, I am currently trying to build a led pick and place machine, but in order to place the...
15 year 11 4587
Arduino Mega + two Futaba Servos + RoboRealm = Pan/tilt object following.
Steven, I was wondering if you had some updated Robo VBscript file that would work well with the Me...
12 year 9 4584
Human Movement Detection
Hello I am working on a project that requires me to model the background of a WebCam stream which...
15 year 6 4581
Motion detection - save stream
Hi, I'm new to roborealm, and the purpose that i'd like to use it for is not related to r...
17 year 3 4581
Robotis Dynamixel module  not discovering servos
I have the CM-700 and set the module to the correct Baud rate, port and in monitor mode but the module never discovers any servo...
13 year 2 4579
using if statement module
Hi, I have a question in using if statement module. I have used different modules in...
15 year 4 4570
Key Send
How does your key send work? Thanks, Sam R....
14 year 4 4570
if statement multiple conditions
Hi, In my program I introduced an if_statement, which includes more than one condition (3-4). Apparently, the if_s...
15 year 2 4567
RD02 Devantech
Hey Steve, How I can to connect the RD02 Devantech Kit with RR?. Can you or somebody to help me. I have Arduino Di...
13 year 4 4565
C++ API & Compiler issue.
Hi, I've started experimenting with the C++ API, however I cannot even seem to compile the...
16 year 11 4561
Minimum requirements
Hi all, im planing on using a mini-itx board do use roborealm to make a rover. http://www.v...
17 year 2 4561
Steven, any chance soon having a module for the arduino board looks kinda simple since SOR AXON board is close to...
13 year 5 4558
Gear Head Webcam WC755IPT Support in Roborealm
So I have a couple Gear Head 1.3 Megapixel Webam Motions Model #: WC755IPT that have built in pan and tilt servos.  Th...
14 year 2 4557
MRDS setup
I've just dl'd RR to give it a try and after ollowing the directions under the MRDS docs, I get a bunch of errors after step #...
11 year 3 4544
Obstacle detection with Ping))), Propeller Servo Controller USB & RR
I purchased a Propeller Servo Controller USB (http://www.parallax.com/Store/Accessories/MotorServoControllers/tabid/160/ProductI...
13 year 3 4542
Scripting problem
I am having some problem with VB scripting? I'm trying to send a value to PIC using serial port in order to control the movemen...
14 year 3 4537
parallax servo controller(usb) problem
We are building a robot for a school project, so we bought a parallax servo controller(usb) to control our engines.
14 year 8 4537
No Title
how to do parallel port in vbs format controlling any of 8ch and this error...
18 year 0 4536
Object recognition or fiducual?
Hi, I am using RR on my robot to identify markers on a path so that the robot knows where it is. The...
12 year 6 4536

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