5048 threads
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aerial imaging shape tracking
currenly im working on canset image viewing with is aerial images..i want to know..how can i detect a shape such a rectangular b...
15 year 4 4959
Write AVI and multiple .avi Filenames
In your Write AVI module I would like to be able to change the Filename that is created.  Say with a date/timestamp na...
14 year 8 4958
Purpose of Vb script
Hello, Im new in this field and need some help. I am working with LEGO NXT, a robot which has to pi...
15 year 12 4957
Laser point tracking (USB missile launcher)
Having tried a while back to get motion tracking working with my dreamcheeky USB missile launcher, I met with little suc...
17 year 10 4955
Stitching together 2 cameras
Every few months I come back to this, since I feel that stitching together multiple images would be a great way to increase fiel...
15 year 6 4941
random questions and comments
#1   Where is RoboRealm located ? #2   How do you buy the software ? #3 &nb...
15 year 2 4938
Java socket
I'm trying to get RR to work with Java. I've done all the necessary code to get the socket connected and it is working...
17 year 3 4931
Telnet not displaying text
I have been attempting to test the API communications but keep running into issues with telnet not displaying any text after I h...
13 year 2 4931
RoboRealm vs. OpenCV
I’m searching for a program for vision processing and I can’t decide which program to choose. Please help me by telling...
17 year 4 4929
Using the new GPS module
I'm planning an autonomous boat project and am considering using RoboRealm for the guidance system using the new GPS Reader mod...
13 year 8 4927
Robotics Connection Serializer Board
Ok, so I have a serializer board from robotics connection that I have connected up to a Sabertooth dual 25A motor driver (C-100-...
15 year 3 4924
robot control using controller with 1 analog stick
i need help trying to control a robot with a controller that has only 1 analog stick, if the controller is pushed to the right t...
14 year 2 4917
Hi, I have a problem. I want to command the NXT to turn on the red LED on Light sensor. I have let the NXT react on blue...
16 year 13 4916
Tracking tennis balls
I'm trying to track tennis balls in a playing field shown in the attached figures. A robot will move around until the closest t...
14 year 4 4915
triangle direction
hi! how can i find a triangle direction using RR? ...
15 year 5 4897
Setvariable RGB filter colour
Hello all, What a great program :D And a useful forum too. I have bee...
14 year 4 4896
Hi, I can get camera images from the old Zigbee on Com Port5 but when I try the interface to drive the motors, I get the message...
14 year 2 4889
color value
New to RR (very impressive), so I'm not sure about where or how to post. I have a series of trans...
15 year 13 4888
Croquet ball positioning
Hi! I am investigating the feasability of a croquet ball positioning system for an annual tournamen...
15 year 2 4871
Help with Blob Array
I am wanting to read the blob array and assign variables using VBScript. So far I am only able to read in 8 blob variabl...
17 year 5 4871

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