Java socket
Arif Rahman from Malaysia  [10 posts]
17 year
I'm trying to get RR to work with Java. I've done all the necessary code to get the socket connected and it is working fine.
However I cant figure out how to get the variables from RR into my Java program. I've tried using bufferedReader.readLine() but the output was like a jumble of both useful (the variables) and useless (various symbols) stuff. A string tokenizer with white space delimiter also doesnt seem to work well.
Is there any specific commands which I could call from Java to get specific variables? That will help a lot.
Java API
17 year

Have you downloaded the API example routines we provide?


inside the API/Java folder are routines for Java to access RoboRealm images, variables, etc. The garbage that you are seeing are the XML delimiter strings that are used to define the start and stop of the variable data. You either can use the included mico-XML parser or write your own to split the metadata from the data.

Let us know if you need more help ...

Arif Rahman from Malaysia  [10 posts]
17 year
hi steven,
thanks for the help. got it already :D
keep up the good work!

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