Transistor from New Zealand  [1 posts]
15 year
Hi, I can get camera images from the old Zigbee on Com Port5 but when I try the interface to drive the motors, I get the message "Could not Inititalze on port Com5 -Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge! (-1).

Also I am struggling to find where to change the com port on your example download which uses com 18.

thanks, regards, Transistor.
Anonymous 15 year

Do you see in the lower right corner of the SRV-1 interface there is a com port dropdown. That's the one to change.

If you do get that error when you try to move the motors and are already getting an image then things should be working fine. The image will NOT work if the motors do not work as they use the same connection. Are you sure the image is actually changing and then when moving the motor sliders manually you get that error?


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