triangle direction
mehdi from Iran  [32 posts]
15 year
how can i find a triangle direction using RR?
Anonymous 15 year
Care to post an image with that question? It will really depend on the image content.

For example if it is something like this

borrowed from this site (not robotics related but we need to give credit)


you could use the RGB filter and then the blob filter to look for a "triangular blob" to result in

See attached robofile.

Anonymous 15 year
And then for the direction use the Geometric module and see the angle variable. Note that this only works for an asymmetric triangle as a symmetrical one has no intrinsic angle.


mehdi from Iran  [32 posts] 15 year
thanks for your help!
can i ask whats the algorithm?
i khnow moments can give me direction but how can i get angle?
teta or pi+teta ??????????????
help me plz!
Anonymous 15 year

You can try looking in open source solutions for source code. See the list we maintain at


that have a lot of source code available for investigation. We're not sure exactly which package would have an orientation algorithm but I'd probably start with ImageJ.


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