fred miller from United States  [72 posts]
14 year
Steven, any chance soon having a module for the arduino board
looks kinda simple since SOR AXON board is close to it
i built a spectrometer and looking to add it to lone of my leaf projects ,with recoding it for another board (axon)
Anonymous 14 year
Yes, the Sparkfun version is an arduino based MCU.


fred miller from United States  [3 posts] 14 year
thanks Steven,will give it a try
another thing will i be able to use arduino code
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 14 year
i have 2 projects for a board i just got,
my problem Steven is this,can i use sonars using digital I/O PINS and ADD a puls count in the unu sketch file you have or do i use a vb script to make it work using digital I/O and add the puls count in the script
Anonymous 14 year

We're not sure what you are asking but it sounds like the MCU Communicator module might be the right fit for you. You will have to do some coding in the CPU that you purchased in order to get the sonar data back to the PC.


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