if statement multiple conditions
MAT from United Kingdom  [4 posts]
15 year
In my program I introduced an if_statement, which includes more than one condition (3-4). Apparently, the if_statement looks only to the first condition and not to the others. This determines that if the first condition is satisfied and not the others, the video is processed as well.
I ascertained it just mixing the different conditions and every times the first works as the only accepted condition and the others (second,third,etc.) are neglected.

So, instead of using an if_statement with 3 conditions, I use 3 if_statement with a single condition, and it works.

Any idea?
Anonymous 15 year

There was an issue when 3 or 4 conditions in the if statement were specified. This has been fixed in ver 2.2.7 just uploaded to the site. Let us know if you continue to get strange behavior with multiple conditionals.


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