Motion detection - save stream
Lambik  [2 posts]
17 year

I'm new to roborealm, and the purpose that i'd like to use it for is not related to robotics.. Can i use the motion detection in this program for making a surveillance camera? "If motion detected, start recording movie to a file until motion is no longer detection."
For the robotics people who won't reply to this topic if it's not robotics related: if motion is detected, move the camera-arm so the motion is in the center of the screen at all times, and record the stream to a file. There :-)

Thanks in advance for any reply!
Anonymous 17 year

Yes, you can do that kind of function. We've attached a robofile that will configure RoboRealm to perform that kind of function. Note that you will need to double click on the Write AVI module and at least press the start button to begin. You can also change the filename to write to ... currently set as c:\test.avi

When running the screen will be mainly blank. When movement is detected you will only see the movement. That is then written to a file. When done press the stop button and you can view the created file. Note that the file will only have the movements recorded and not the entire recording period. Thus if you have movement for 5 seconds then none for 60 seconds then again for 5 seconds the resulting video will only be 10 seconds long.

You can also change the movement sensitivity by changing the movement module parameters.

Hope this helps.

Lambik  [2 posts] 17 year
This works, thanks :-)

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