Face detection
Kamlesh Thakur from India  [32 posts]
12 year
Hello STeven,

In one of my application, I am using Roborealm (license ver 2.47.4).
One of the steps in this application need face detection when a person is sitting stable (in front facial position gazing towards camera) at a distance of say 1meter.
Can you tell me simple steps about how the person's head can be detected from such image.

The main objective of my application is to detect and locate a human eye from the face when a person is sitting stable (in front facial position gazing towards the camera). I have successfully done eye detection from such images using Canny and Circles (to detect round iris from eye image). However, if the image contains circular images other than the iris (e.g. shirt round buttons which are of same dia as that of iris) then there are false detections. To overcome this problem I plan to first crop the face image and follow the Canny and Circles commands in RR to locate the eye.

As an alternative I thought of using AVM Object Recognition. However, I noticed that it need the object learning process everytime a new person is sitting in front of the camera. I want to make my application generic so as to detect and locate the human eye for any human face when person is sitting stable (in front facial position gazing towards the camera at a distance of 1 meter).

I hope, i could explain what I am trying to implement. Can you help me to proceed further in this regard?

Best Regards,
Kamlesh Thakur
Anonymous 12 year

We will look into this a bit more .. but in the meantime, if you have a color camera and reasonably good lighting try adding the Skin color detection module, followed by a fill and then a mask on the original image. Then run the circle detection. This should eliminate everything but face colored objects which will reduce your error.

If you attach an example picture we can reply with the robofile.

Kamlesh Thakur from India  [32 posts] 12 year
Hello STeven,

Thanks for your inputs.
I tried using the skin filter for face detection.It works moderately for specific ambient light conditions. However, I noticed that the min max limits for Y,Cr and Cb color space need to be chaned for different surrounding light conditions.

As you asked for, am sending a JPEG image sample for face detection.
Can you send steps/sample robo file to detect a face from this JPEG file. In my final application, I need to detect face from a video file (input from camera)instead.

Best Regards,
Kamlesh Thakur

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

If you download the latest version we've added in a beta version of a face detection module which you can try and see if it works for you. It will NOT detect people with glasses or tilted heads but that may not be an issue for your project.

The default params for that module are configured in such a way to detect the image that you posted here.

v2.47.16 has this test module.


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