Iris recognition
Rohit from India  [1 posts]
15 year
I want to detect the inner circle i.e. the pupil boundary and the iris boundary with the center and radius of the 2 circles. Can anyone help please. its urgent

Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts] 15 year
Thank you for posting the images. If you have a video stream it would be even better.  I was chatting about this very topic yesterday with a machine vision fellow. The standard way to do this is with image matching.  Take a look at the image match module and train it on a bunch of pupil images that have been removed from background.  (At least for pupil tracking) I decided I would do it without image match, but with thresholding and blobs. It works fine for this image, but you would need to maintain consistent lighting conditions which is tricky because as the pupil moves the light on it changes.

I suspect that you don't really want the perimeter of the pupil and iris. The degree of surface irregularity effects these parameters.  I deliberately smoothed both of them to preserve the ratio of the perimeters.  You probably want to look at the area or the mean radius.

have fun


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