5047 threads
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How to run two copies of roborealm.
I am trying to make a 3d red object tracking robot, which requires two camera's to provide video feed and write down va...
17 year 7 2340
Joystick not enumerated?!?!
Can any one shed some light on why all of a sudden, my joystick is no longer enumerated in the drop down list of the "J...
16 year 7 1637
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle
Hello, how does it works the plugin dectection of obstacle in the avm navigator  used within the navigation by map, i...
13 year 7 3653
Fixed Tracking
I'm new to robo realm. I was wondering if someone could lead me into the direction how to set fixed positions on an object. For...
13 year 7 2115
Question for EDTV
Ok, once I run the Navigate by map program within RoboRealm and I have the API installed for Lisp, I understand I need to do som...
13 year 7 1904
Separating touching blobs
Hi, I am analysing individual blobs using geometry_statistics and Sample_line modules. I have a ca...
14 year 7 3959
Image Comparison
hi .. as such i am newbie to Roborealm which is just awesome ... i ve just attached two pics below...
15 year 7 2581
Face detection
I know a lot of advances have been made in the area of software face detection, but it seems to me it's still difficult for a c...
10 year 7 3306
Separating the object or pores
Hello, I am working to characterize a porous media and I want to identify each pore (object) indivi...
13 year 7 3859
lynxmotion w/ roborealm
Hi guys, I have a project to integrate roborealm with lynxmotion. In the project, I will have a camera to overlook four differen...
14 year 7 4163
Firewire Camcorder Support
STeven, Anothe future feature request: Could you'll investigate supporting CAMcorders with firewir...
15 year 7 3651
How to read input mode in Pololu Maestro
Hi, I’m building underwater ROV. I’m using Pololu Maestro to drive ESC and servos, but I need also...
13 year 7 4707
Logitech Orbit/Sphere AF Properties not change by API
I'm working with the Logitech Orbit/Sphere AF camera and the controls work fine for the pan/tilt/zoom in RoboRealm, but when I...
15 year 7 3150
Radial distortion coefficient
Hi all This seam to be a very useful program. I'm trying to u...
16 year 7 2334
AVM Navigator variables
Hi everyone, i am having a little trouble interfacing the avm module with my robot, my problem is as follows, in the module for...
12 year 7 2396
3 object tracking. The best way?
Hi STeven, Thanks for sorting out the flipping in roborealm :) It was both the flip horizon...
16 year 7 2672
blob identification
Halo! I have a problem. I can not understand why are blobs numbered/ordered in order of the Y- posit...
14 year 7 6382
EZB_Variables broken
STeven It seems since the latest version of EZ-Builder the EZB_Variables module no longer sends var...
9 year 7 1880
SRV-1b motors time
By default, to control the motors we just send the value of the speed, and that value will be running the motors for 500 ms, is...
15 year 7 1746
Stay out line
Hi guys, has anyone sucessfully completed the stay out line as I'm having wicked problems trying to get the module to work. The...
12 year 7 3226

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